Chapter 12

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I knew going to a birthday dinner with an ex would be awkward, but I never imagined it to be this awkward. For the most part, Dinah and Normani kept the conversation going while the rest of us would add to it here and there. Periodically, I would catch Keana looking over at me, making me even more uncomfortable than I already am.

"Meet me in the bathroom," Keana said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see my ex-girlfriend walking towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Dinah asked, grabbing my attention. I turned back around to find everyone staring at me.

"I'm fine," I replied before taking a bite out of my California roll.

"You don't look fine," Normani said, looking at me like a worried parent.

"I'm fine," I reassured them. "But if you'll excuse, I'm going to use the restroom real quick," I said, placing my napkin on the table before heading to the front of the restaurant.

September 27th

"Did you have a good birthday, princess?" I asked my now three-year-old daughter.

"Mhm," she nodded while bushing her teeth with her new Barbie tooth brush.

"How about you, Kayne?" I asked the brown eyed toddler who is reading her books while sitting in the middle of the doorway.

"Mama, read pwease?" She asked, holding up one of the books.

"You can each pick out a book after Ash finishes brushing her teeth," I replied.

I looked back at my green eyed toddler who was already washing her mouth out with water. She spit the water into the sink before throwing the cup into the trash can next to the sink.

"Done," she smiled, showing off her baby teeth.

"Go pick out a book and mama will read it to you," I instructed, lifting the toddler off the stool and setting her down on the floor.

"Mama, help," Kayne said as she tried to lift up her pile off books. Everything about her reminds me of Camila.

"Kayne, why do you carry all these books?" I asked, picking up majority of the books while she held three in her arms.

"I like books, duh," she said before walking towards her and Ashtyn's bedroom. Remind me to limit her time with Dinah.

By the time I walked into their bedroom, Kayne had already crawled into Ashtyn's bed with her books between them.

"Mouse book," Ashtyn said, holding up the "If You Give a Mouse an IPad" book a fan bought for them.

"No, Pinkerishous," Kayne said, grabbing the first book off her pile.

"I'll read Pinkalicous first and then the mouse book, okay?" I suggested, dimming the light in their room so I was able to read, but it still being dark enough for them to fall asleep.

"No," Ashtyn whined, flopping back on her bed and hitting Kayne in the head with her arm.

"Ow," Kayne said, rubbing the spot on her head where Ashtyn hit her.

"Ashtyn Michelle, say you're sorry right now, or I won't read the mouse book at all," I said in my stern voice.

"Sorry," Ashytn said.

By the time I was halfway through the first book, both girls were already knocked out. It doesn't surprise me though. We had a long day full of birthday surprises the girls helped me plan.

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