Extra Chapter 1

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On the occasion of the New Year, a heavy snowfall blanketed Pingcheng. After two days, Ming Si saw on the news that the snow accumulation had reached more than fifty millimeters, severely affecting transportation. Emergency efforts were underway to clear the roads. She asked in the group chat for more information.

Cheng Yu immediately initiated a group video call. When the call connected, he was just getting out of his car and heading towards his house. He was shivering as he walked, looking as cold as a featherless quail.

"The roads to Shanghua City are all closed. I was planning to visit some friends, but I had to turn back," Cheng Yu said, his voice quivering due to the cold, "It's really cold outside."

Fortunately, he soon arrived at his house.

Cheng Yu shook off the snow from his shoulders and noticed that on Ming Si's end, the sun was shining brightly, surrounded by flowers. It was truly a picturesque summer scene.

"In a couple of days, I'll find an island to travel to as well!" He said enviously.

Before he could say anything else, he saw Liang Xian stepping into the frame, striding over with his long legs. He bent slightly at the waist, casually resting his hand on the back of Ming Si's chair. Then, he spoke indifferently, "Don't come here."

Cheng Yu: "?"

Did he say he was coming?

"You've changed, Brother Xian!" Cheng Yu exclaimed angrily. "You're no longer the man who stood united with us before!"

"Come on, wake up. Brother Xian never really stood united with you in the first place," Ke Lijie, who knows when he joined the call, suddenly interjected, "He just doesn't want us to disturb him with video chats when during his couple time."

Cheng Yu choked for a moment, angrily hung up the call, "Well, I wish you both a happy and blissful time in your own little world!"

Ke Lijie calmly added, "Take advantage of the good weather to create a new life and elevate our generation."

Having said that, he quickly hung up as if afraid of getting scolded.

Ming Si looked at the screen, feeling both amused and exasperated. She turned to Liang Xian and said, "He's got quite an imagination. If he wants to elevate our generation, why doesn't he get married and have kids himself? Why should I become a mother at such a young age?"

She turned around with a bit too much force, nearly brushing against Liang Xian's lips. She was about to pull back, but Liang Xian reached out and gently held the back of her head, then leaned sideways and kissed her.

Ming Si couldn't help but lean backward, but he pulled her back into his embrace.

His fingertip lightly traced her long hair as their lips separated. He whispered softly, "Let's have a baby a few years from now."

That morning on the island, the wind played with the white gauze curtains, the soft bedding on the bed rolled and undulated in a continuous motion.

When it all came to an end, Ming Si lay back on the bed, one hand covering her eyes. She lifted her foot weakly and kicked him lightly—she now had strong suspicions that the reason Liang Xian had agreed with her was to prevent the birth of a cub from affecting his life in a certain aspect.

After the New Year, Ming Si and Liang Xian were both only twenty-six years old. For young people nowadays, having children at this age seemed a bit early, especially since they hadn't even had their wedding yet. Ming Si didn't allow herself to wear a wedding dress with a baby bump.

Ming Si didn't feel any pressure regarding this matter since Liang Xian pretty much had the final say on this matter. Liang Zhihong, on the other hand, had the desire but lacked the means to intervene. He was currently focused on repairing his relationship with his biological son, so he didn't dare to meddle recklessly.

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