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Aadhiren and Parvati walked inside their room, locking the door behind. Parvati sighs loudly and Aadhiren ran a hand through his face "Are you alright?" She asks him and he simply nods his head, walking to the bed and lossing the buttons on his kurta.

Parvati wasn't convinced so she walks upto him "What's wrong?" She asks him and he shakes his head "I know something is bothering you" she says and when she got no reply, she knelt down to face him while Aadhiren was sitting on the bed. "If you won't tell me then how am I supposed to make it right?" She asks him softly and

Aadhiren starts staring at her "It's you, Paro. I don't know what's happening. I don't know why it's happening but I know you are doing it to me" he says and she frowns "In a good way or a bad way?" She asks and he chuckles.

"I don't knoww. All I can say right now is that I am not the same I used to be. I have started to care, I have become more conscious and it's because of you. I have started looking out for danger, I have started to get scared thinking of any harm happening to you and worst of all I fear that I will harm you. I have become afraid of my emotions" he says and keeps his head in her hands.

Parvati was overwhelmed by his sudden confession. She smiles a little and keeps her hand on his shoulder. Aadhiren looks up at her and Parvati scoots near him, wrapping her arms around him and keeping her head on his chest. Aadhiren was shocked by her sudden action. He didn't expect her to react like this.

"I understand. It must be scary to feel so many things at once but trust me you are doing so well. I feel so safe when I am around you, I don't have to think twice before doing something when I am with you  because I know that you will be there to correct me if I am wrong. And if you are worried about your own anger issues, don't be! You have controlled them till now, I know you will do so in the future as well" she says while creasing his biceps lightly.

Aadhiren smiles a little and hugs her back, taking her into his embrace and lightly kissing her forehead. "I really care about you Paro, I don't ever want to hurt you not intentionally or unintentionally" he says and Parvati nods "I know, and you will never hurt me" she says and Aadhiren smiles, tightening the hug and pulling her further inside his arms.

"You should get changed" he says at last and she nods, pulling away and standing up from the ground. Aadhiren held her hand and started staring at them. She looked at him confused. He took both her hands in his and brought them to his lips, kissing them. She chuckles at him and he looks up giving her the biggest smile she has ever seen.

"Let go no, I need to change" she says but she shook his head "No" he says and pulls her by her waist, her clashing with him. Aadhiren open hi legs wide and locks Parvati in them and spreads his arms on her waist.

Parvati gasps at his tricks and makes a pout "You have trapped me" she says and laughs "Yeah, so?" He asks and she gives him a thin smile. "Alright don't leave me" she says and stands there with a helpless look. Aadhiren chuckles at her "You are too cute" he says and she blushed like a tomatoe.

"Go and change" he says letting go of her and she rushed in the closet, making him smile from behind.

Aadhiren turned around to make himself relax on the bed and picked his phone, checking his messages while laying on the bed.

Parvati came out after fifteen minutes, wearing a loose white kurta with salwar. She walks to the bed and applies her night cream that was on the night stand. "you should change" she says to him and he nods "Oh, I got you a new phone" he says and takes out a box from the drawer next to the bed. Parvati frowns "But I have one already" she says showing him and he takes it in his hold.

"Yeah you do but it's old and boring, there have been hundreds of new updates" he says and gives her the new box. She takes it happily and opens the box, setting up her new phone. She looked like a child, excited about the new toy.

Aadhiren stood up and went in the closet, removing his clothes and wearing simple trousers and tshirt. Parvati was too engrossed in the phone to notice that he hadn't closed the closet door. And he was shamelessly roaming in the room shirtless and with his trousers on.

He sits on the bed and she finally looks at him. Only to looks away a second later. Aadhiren chuckles and wears his tshirt that he was holding in his hand.

"You like it?" He asks her about the phone and she nods. "Oh and your admission for college was cleared, you can join from Monday and then after a month or two you can also join to NGO" he says and Parvati smiles looking at him "Okay!!" She says excitedily.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow" he says and she looks at him "What for?" She asks and he smiles "For you, me, just a random shopping spree" he says and she nods. "It's late, we should sleep" he says but Parvati was too busy in setting up her new phone.

"Paro" he says to her and she just hums in response. Aadhiren chuckles and snatches the phone away from her hand. "What-" Parvati says but was cut off by him in between "It's late! You should sleep" he says and Parvati nods her head "Okay" saying it, she starts to get off the bed which made him frown.

"Where are you going?" He asks as he watches her take out her mattress from the cupboard, he frowns. She turns around and looks at him with the mattress in her hand "Huh? No where" she says and Aadhiren got irritated.

"Leave that. Come and sleep on the bed tonight" he says and she looks at the mattress in her hand and at the bed before keeping it inside the cupboard and hopping on the bed.

Parvati leveled the pillows and spread the quilt over the bed before covering herself with it. Aadhiren turned the lights off and got settled in the bed too.
Inside the covers, Aadhiren shifted his body to Parvati's side making her look towards him.

They both were almost two inches away from each other. Parvati gasped at the distance and Aadhiren smirked at her. She couldn't move backwards or she would fall down the bed. Aadhiren hovered his one arm over her body and pulled her towards him by pushing her back in his direction.

His upper body was cagging her's so she couldn't move.
"Hukum-" before she could say more, Aadhiren interrupted "Shh" he said and kept his head on her chest, closing his eyes and sleeping. Parvati was wide awake. She couldn't belythe position they were in. Her heart was pounding like crazy and he was probably hearing it too.

She looks down at his face, he looked like a baby, peacefully sleeping and his fluffy hair covering his forehead. The scene was adorable, she runs her hand through his hair once and hugs him back, closing her eyes and going to sleep as well.


Thanks for reading<33

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