Cristiano Ronaldo [~] Assistant of Annoyance

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For lola:

Pacing back and forth, you turned to glare at the Portuguese man across the room from you. "If you're done wearing a hole in the floor, I'd like to discuss the photoshoot," Cristiano rolled his eyes at you. "Are you not even a little bit disgusted with yourself!?!" you screeched, throwing your hands in the air. You didn't believe the audacity he even had.

"What? I did nothing wrong!"

"Pulling the plug on the project I devoted the last six months to without even telling me is grounds for me screaming my head off at you, Cristiano!" you yelled, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration.

 "I'm the one who's being published. I didn't like the project so I killed it."

"Well I don't like you, what does that mean I can do to you?" you challenged. You two were starting to sound like children with the way you argued but you could care less.

  "You warm my heart every time you speak, (Y/N)," Cristiano muttered sarcastically.

"Well, you're no catch yourself either."

"Look, I have to pick up Junior. Can we continue this little duel later?" Cristiano asked, looking at his phone as he stood up.

 "I already picked him up! If you had been paying attention to what I was telling you earlier, you would have realized that," you stated, crossing your arms over your chest. You were basically Junior's nanny but your official title was 'Director of Press Control' as Cristiano had dubbed you. "Honestly," you groaned, almost ready to pull out your ears.

"Where is he, then?"

 "In the playroom that I had to construct because you had no way of entertaining a toddler in a business office," you pointed out, pushing open the door and leading Cristiano down the hallway. You turned left and opened another door. Junior sat watching the reruns of a Real Madrid game from a while ago. "See," you said, whipping your arms over your chest.

"Junior, c'mon. Time to go," Cristiano called.

"We still have to finish that project! I'm not staying overnight to finish your problems, Cristiano," you called after him as he picked up his son.

"I'll just pay you over time."

"I don't want the stupid money, Cristiano," you sighed, walking next to him as he headed towards the exit.

 "Not really my problem. Have a beautiful day, (Y/N)," Cristiano mock bowed before walking out of the building. You fumed, making strangling gestures to where he had been standing a few seconds ago. Stomping back into your office, you slammed the door shut and sat down in your chair.

 "I should have listened to my parents. Being an actuary would have been less stressful," you mumbled, pulling out your tablet and setting up appointments and such. A knock sounded from your door and you got up to open the door. "I thought you were leaving for the day," you stated coldly, placing your hands on your hips as you stared up at Cristiano. Even in heels, you were still shorter than him which never ceased to anger you and amuse him.

"Junior forgot his toy," Cristiano sighed, placing his son on his own two feet. Junior grabbed onto your leg.

 "Do you remember where I put that teddy bear you got me for my birthday?" he asked, his brown eyes melting the icy glare you had sent to his father. Honestly, how did something as cute as Junior share genes with Cristiano. You'd much rather by Junior's assistant, if that was even possible.

 "No, but if I remember correctly, the last time I saw you with it, you were in my office," you said, trying to remember clearly. "C'mon, let's look for it." Cristiano looked under your desk and your chairs as Junior checked the filing cabinets.

 "I don't see it," Cristiano sighed.

"I don't see it either," you repeated, closing the doors of your desk.

"We'll just get you a new teddy bear," Cristiano stated, grabbing his son's hand.

"But I don't want a new teddy bear. I want that teddy bear!" Junior whined, starting to stomp his feet. Seeing a possible temper tantrum on the horizon, you picked up Junior.

 "It's okay, we'll keep looking for it, Junior. What about the play room?" you said, trying to defuse Junior's emotions before he started having a temper tantrum. He nodded and let you carry him to the play room. Patting his back soothingly, you and Cristiano got some odd looks in the hallways as the two of you were not bickering. "Are you trying to get him to have a meltdown?" you hissed.

"What was I supposed to do? Look over the whole building for the bear!" Cristiano hissed back before smiling to some other people you passed in the hallway.

 "It's either that or the water works," you mumbled. Arriving at the play room, you opened the door and walked inside. Junior wiggled out of your arms and picked up the stuffed bear next to the TV, presumably where he had placed it before he started to watch the old match on the TV.

 "Found it!" he smiled, holding out the bear as if it was a trophy.

"Great. It was nice seeing you, again," Cristiano fake smiled at you.

"The pleasure was all mine," you rolled your eyes at him.

 "Let's go, Junior," Cristiano said, walking out of the room. His son, on the other hand, stayed put. Cristiano reentered the room. "Why are still standing there?"

"Mimi is sad," Junior sighed, sounding actually upset as he hugged the teddy bear tight to his chest.

"Why is she sad?" you asked, kneeling down next to Junior.

"She's sad because her mommy and daddy fight," Junior stated. You and Cristiano exchanged bewildered expressions before you both turned to look at Junior. "My mommy and daddy fight too," Junior explained, looking between you and Cristiano.

 "Oh, honey. Your father and I . . . I'm not your . . ."

"You love me. Daddy says a mommy loves her son more than anything else so you're my mommy," Junior said, running into your chest to give you a hug. You and Junior looked over at Cristiano. "Will you and mommy stop fighting?"

 "Of course. I'm sorry we made you feel that way, Junior," Cristiano replied, kneeling down next to the two of you.

 "It's okay. Can we have a group hug? Hugs make everything better," Junior smiled. You and Cristiano wrapped your arms around Junior, sandwiching him between the two of you. Junior laughed. The sound of his laughter made you and Cristiano smile too. Wiggling out of your grasps, you and Cristiano were now only hugging each other. You two looked at each other, before pulling away. You coughed awkwardly, tugging your hair up into a bun to distract yourself momentarily. Junior laughed again. When you and Cristiano would explain to people down the road how the two of you had gone from enemies to lovers, there would always be a one word response: Junior.

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