Aleksandar Mitrovic [~] Olympians

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For hanns: Aleksandar Mitrovic

You couldn't wait for the 2016 Olympics to start. You had just arrived in Brazil with a good portion of the other Serbian athletes, amongst them your brother. Both you and your older brother, Novak, were competing in the Olympics for tennis. Walking into the lodging, you were handed a room card and went to find your room in the skyscraper. Getting in the elevator, you noticed the man standing next to you.

"Hi, are you from Serbia too?" you asked.

"Yes, I'm Aleksandar Mitrovic," he introduced. "And you're (Y/N) Djokovic."

"Yeah," you blushed. "How did you know?"

"Well, your brother's face and yours more recently have been plastered all over the place in Serbia and in just about every news article."

"What sport do you play?" you questioned Aleksandar.

"Football," he replied, a smile gracing his face. You remember how big of a deal it was that Serbia made the Olympics for football. The Serbia national team really busted their butts to get this far and you admired their adversity. The elevator stopped and you noticed that it was your stop.

"This is where I leave you, I'm afraid. It was nice meeting you, Aleksandar, and good luck," you waved before disembarking. You found your room easily, which you would be sharing with the other tennis women from Serbia. The next morning, you changed into training gear and grabbed your racquet bag. It was Serbia's slot for the courts in half an hour, so you rushed to the courts.

Walking into the building, you placed your bag on the ground and pulled out your racquet. Then you worked with your coaches and the other Serbian women for two hours. Sweating profusely, not quite used to the heat and humidity of Rio de Janeiro, you rubbed your forehead with a cool towel. "Do you want to grab a bite to eat with us, (Y/N)?"

"No thanks. I'm going to go change and then look around the complex a bit more," you replied, getting up. Shouldering your bag, you walked out of the tennis courts and out onto the streets of the Olympic village. This would be your first Olympics and you were so excited that it was finally happening.

"Heads up!" someone shouted. You ducked as a football nearly smacked you across the face. "I'm so sorry!" a familiar voice replied, helping you up from your crouched position.

"It's okay," you chuckled, staring up at the guy who had nearly hit you with the football, recognizing him immediately. "Hi, Aleksandar. Didn't think I made you hate me that much in the elevator," you joked, shouldering your racquet bag once more.

"Oh, not at all. My friends and I were just passing around a ball as we waited for our turn on the fields and I kind of misdirected the ball," Aleksandar rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"It's fine, I'll see you around, Aleksandar," you smiled, walking past him and heading back to the lodging. You put your bag down and went to take a shower. Relishing in the cold feel of the water, you hopped out and wrapped your hair in a towel as you changed. Brushing out your hair, you decided to go grab something to eat, as your stomach growled ominously.

Walking through the Olympic village once more, you quickly spotted the restaurant that most of the athletes were eating at on a daily basis. Walking up the stairs to the restaurant, you looked around for your teammates, brother, or really anyone that you could sit with. "(Y/N)!" a voice called from the left. Turning your head, you instantly spotted Aleksandar with a few other Serbian footballers. Walking over to them, you sat down next to Aleksandar.

"So, I thought you guys were waiting for a chance on the fields."

"They got our times mixed up," Aleksandar replied.

"So, you're the (Y/N) that this guy won't shut up about. I didn't think it was the (Y/N) Djokovic though," one of Aleksandar's teammates said.

"You won't shut up about me, huh?" you teased Aleksandar, lightly elbowing him in the rib cage. "He had a tendency to try and hit me with footballs too," you joked.

"Aleksandar, you dog!" his other teammate chuckled, punching Aleksandar lightly in the arm. The four of you guys laughed and talked about your respective sports and the matches that you guys would be facing. The food you guys had ordered earlier finally arrived and all talking practically ceased as the four of you ate. As athletes, you burned a lot of calories and to remain fit, you had to replace the calories to some extent.

After the four of you had finished your meal, you bid good bye to Aleksandar and his teammates. "It was nice seeing you again, Aleksandar."

"The pleasure is all mine," he smiled.

"Good luck at your game next week guys. I'll be watching," you said. You placed a quick kiss on Aleksandar's cheek before walking away, leaving a stunned Aleksandar in your wake. A week had passed and your first match had come and gone, with an easy win over your opponent. One your way back from your match, you could see the people pouring into the football stadium. Reading the sign, it stated that Serbia's men's national team was playing soon. Rushing back to your room, you showered quickly before turning on the TV to the proper channel to watch the game.

Aleksandar's face stood out to you the most as the familiar Serbian national anthem played. The game started slowly and was still a 0-0 draw at half time. You had won your match and you could only hope that Aleksandar and the Serbian national team would be able to do it too. The second half started with more pace.

A defender made a mistake and Aleksandar reacted quickly. Stealing the ball from the opponent, Aleksandar took off down the side of the field. Passing it to a teammate, Aleksandar ran into open space and received the airborne pass from his teammate. You held your breath as Aleksandar struck the ball, causing it to curve over the keeper's head and into the net.

Serbians rejoiced as the final whistle blew, the score remaining at 1-0. Hopping into the elevator, you walked over to the football pitch to see players walking back. Locating Aleksandar's face amongst them, you jogged over. "That was a great goal, Aleksandar," you complimented.

"I had to score a goal with the most beautiful girl in the world watching, right?" Aleksandar winked, causing the both of you to wear large smiles on your faces as the two of you walked back to the Olympian lodgings.

A.N. Robert Lewandowski is next!

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