Alvaro Morata [~] Runaway Love

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For life-water: Alvaro Morata

When you had first become famous, you never thought that you would be able to find true love. Everyone would either want you for your money or fame. Or, they would just want to use you to gain fame for themselves, or pile on their own fame. However, all of your worries and insecurities instantly melted when you met Alvaro.

You had gone to a Real Madrid game with your friend, who happened to know a certain Cristiano Ronaldo from her modelling jobs. You had gotten good seats and had been able to meet the Madrid players afterwards. You and your friend were chatting with a few of the players on the fringe of the locker room when a shirtless Alvaro had turned the corner.

 He had just taken a shower and almost dropped him towel when he saw you standing there. After he had run around the corner and dressed properly, he had met you correctly. You two ended up seeing each other multiple times at Madrid parties before he had finally asked you out. Two years later, and the two of you were happily in love.

 However, your busy schedules that warred with each other constantly. You two hadn't been able to get any alone time for a while. You both decided to take a day off from your respective jobs and have a lunch date out in Madrid. Of course, all things never truly go according to plan. As the two of you stepped out of the car and onto the streets of Madrid, people immediately started to swarm.

Then the paparazzi showed up and you grew greatly annoyed. You loved your job and you knew that Alvaro did too but it was times like this where you wished you had taken the office job you could have had. At least no one would have had harassed you when you went out on a date with your boyfriend. As cameras flashed, you and Alvaro ran into a restaurant.

 The hostess turned away from the seating chart and look at the two of you. Her eyes grew wide and looked between the two of you, though they lingered on Alvaro a lot longer than you really would have liked. "Table for two, please," Alvaro sighed.

 "Do you have a reservation?" the woman stuttered.

 "No," you muttered.

"I'm afraid we're completely full," the woman replied, stealing one last lustrous glance at your boyfriend.

 "That's okay. Me and my boyfriend will just find someplace else," you fake smiled, stressing the word boyfriend in your sentence, before dragging Alvaro out of the restaurant.

"Meow," Alvaro winked, taking your hand in his as he laughed.

 "Hardy har har, that's so funny Morata," you rolled your eyes.

  "Please, you know that I only have eyes for you," Alvaro assured you, kissing you gently. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder. Your cute moment, however, had been rudely interrupted by men with flashy cameras.

"Alvaro! Alvaro! Look over here!"

 "(Y/N), are you guys tying the knot yet? Or are the cheating allegations getting to your relationship?" You pulled on your sunglasses, smile long gone, as Alvaro pulled you through the crowd. You hated the paparazzi. They would just hurl fake headlines and other crap at you and Alvaro whenever they could get in the right place at the right time.

 Alvaro led the way as you guys tried to get out of the disarray. Pulling you into a café, Alvaro pushed you in front of him. "Follow my lead," he whispered into your ear. He walked towards the back of the café, heading towards the manager's office. You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend.

"Where are you going?" you whispered to your boyfriend.

 Ignoring you, Alvaro knocked on the manager's office door. The knob turned and a round, middle-aged guy stepped out. "Alvaro! How have you been?" the man smiled, pulling your boyfriend into a hug. You raised an eyebrow at the interaction. Pulling away from the hug, Alvaro turned to look at you.

 "(Y/N), this is my uncle Luis. Tio, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)," Alvaro introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Alvaro never shuts up about you," Luis smiled, shaking your hand, as Alvaro blushed in the background.

 "I do shut up about her," he muttered.

 "Pleasure's all mine," you chuckled, shaking Luis' hand.

 "So what brings the two of you here?"

 "Just running from the paparazzi. Would you mind if we slipped out the back, through that little hatch you showed me?"

 "Of course not. Use it whenever you need it," Luis allowed. He waved good bye before reentering his office and shutting the door.

 "Secret hatch, huh?"

 "Just a little secret," Alvaro winked, taking your hand and pulling you towards the back. He took a left, entering what looked like the boiler room. Walking over to the wall, he pulled back a few boxes, revealing an opening. He walked in, motioning for you to do the same. Cautiously, you entered the enclosed space. Pulling what looked like a gate across the opening, Alvaro pressed a button and you two suddenly started moving upwards.

The little hatch happened to be an old elevator that was used to smuggle goods during the Spanish Civil War, Alvaro told you later. Stepping out into the abandoned alley, you smiled. No paparazzi, no fans, no nothing. Just you, Alvaro, and a few dumpsters. "Where do we go from here, Mr. Morata?" you asked.

 "If you'll follow me, milady, I'll show you the best place to get churros in the whole of Spain," Alvaro replied, leading you by hand down the alley, entering another one. He continued to pull you through the twists and turns of the alleys until he stopped at a little store next to the entrance to the alley. Opening the door to the shop, Alvaro pulled you through the door before anyone saw the two of you. He walked up to the counter. An elderly lady stood behind the counter. "Two churros please," Alvaro ordered, placing the money on the counter.

The old lady nodded, smiling at the two of you, and went to grab your churros. She placed them on the counter and handed Alvaro the change before the two of you exited the small shop. Handing you a churro, Alvaro pulled you to a secluded part of the alley. Taking off his jacket, he put it on top of an old looking freezer, before motioning for you to sit down with him. Churro in hand, you sat next to Alvaro and rested you head on his shoulder. "To us," Alvaro smiled, holding his churro like a champagne glass.

 "To us," you chorused. 'Clinking' the two churros, the two of you enjoyed your peace and quiet for now.

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