Marco Reus [~] Tattoos

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For GingerReus: Marco Reus

Gigi didn't know how she was going to manage to drag two two-year-olds to Marco's game by herself. It wouldn't be bad if they were the type of two-year-olds who were quiet and sat down patiently. No, they were not those type of two-year-olds. They were the type of two-year-olds that would run around and trip on a blade of grass before running back to Gigi with tears streaming down their cheeks as they pointed to yet another boo boo.

Gigi could easily handle the twins back at their home by herself. However, as soon as they stepped into the Westfalenstadion, they became very excited and refused to cooperate with what Gigi said. Usually, Gigi would have her sister to back her up, but her sister was on vacation with her husband. So, Gigi would have to go it alone.

The twins, decked out in Dortmund gear, were anxious to get to the stadium and watch their father play football. They had inherited Marco's love of the game and they wanted to go to every single Dortmund match that took place, even though Marco and Gigi didn't want to take them out of Germany quite yet. Gigi parked the car in the players, coaches, family, WAGs parking area and mentally prepared themselves for whatever lay ahead in her day.

Unbuckling the two of them, Gigi picked up both of them and carried them up the stairs to the family box in the stadium, not trusting them to climb up the concrete stairs without tripping and falling up or down said stairs. Plopping the two of them into a seat, Gigi sat in her own and texted Marco that they were here. The match started soon afterwards, Dortmund taking control of the field quickly.

Marco got open on the other side of the goal from the ball, waving his hand for a pass. Unmarked, it was easy for Marco to hit the ball out of the air, past the keeper's hands, and into the goal early on in the first half. Marco ran to the corner, sticking both his thumbs in his mouth for your twin sons. "Papa just scored! Papa scored for us!" your twins cheered, causing you to smile.

The game ended 3-0 with Dortmund in the lead. You walked down to the pitch, carrying your twins with you. The guards let you through to the locker room area and you waited for Marco to emerge from the locker room. Your twins were excited to see their dad again, having not seen him all day, which was a big deal in your household.

Walking out of the locker room, Marco chatted with a teammate before turning to your twins. "Papa!" they shouted, running forwards and into Marco's awaiting arms. "You scored for us!"

"I sure did, did you like the goal?" Marco asked, walking over to you. Planting a small kiss on your lips, you walked with Marco holding both of your twins, even though you were sure he was absolutely exhausted.

"It was the best goal I've ever seen!" one of you twins exclaimed, causing you and Marco to laugh and smile as you made your way out to the parking lot. Marco buckled in your kids before walking to his own car. You hopped into your car and drove home, beating Marco by a minute or so. You got out and unbuckled your twins, pulling them out of the car.

Opening the door, you pulled your twins inside as Marco came up behind you. He closed the door as you set the twins loose. You walked over to the kitchen and started to make dinner while Marco and the boys went to watch reruns of the Bundesliga matches that had happened today. As you cooked, you could hear the boys cheering as a rerun of Marco's spectacular goal was playing on the television.

You smiled and continued to cook until Marco and the boys returned to the kitchen area. "Do you guys want to set up the table, I'm almost done cooking?" you asked the boys, who nodded and allowed their father to take the plates and place them on the table as they put the forks and spoons out. You plopped dinner on the table and washed your hands before joining the rest of your family at the table.

You and Marco filled your sons' plates before eating yourself. Your twins babbled on about something you couldn't quite make out due to the flurry of food the usually flew out of their mouths as they talked. You and Marco scolded them each time they talked with food in their mouth but they didn't seem to really listen to any instructions. You blamed Marco for that.

After dinner, Marco gave your kids a bath as you washed and put away the dishes. Walking up stairs into your bed, you say Marco already in there. You walked past him and into the closet to change into your pajamas. Walking out of the closet, you stared Marco's chest. It's not like you hadn't seen it before or anything but there was a white bandage on one of his pecks.

"What's that?" you asked, pointing at the bandage.

"Do you want to find out?" Marco wiggled his eyebrows, causing you to lightly slap his arm. Marco feigned shock until you told him to take off the bandage. He pulled it off to reveal a new tattoo. You gasped at the tattoo. It was the handprints of your twins when they were born with their names and birth date above the hands. "I got it so that the boys would know that they will always be close to my heart."

"That's amazing," you gasped, running your finger over it lightly. "That's the best tattoo you'll ever get." The two of you climbed into bed and fell asleep. You were awoken the next morning by two kids jumping on your bed.

"Mama! Papa! Wake up!" they shouted until they noticed something new on Marco. "You got another tattoo?" they asked, looking at the inked skin.

"Yeah, it's your hands and birth date with your names on it," Marco explained.

"Wow, we were tiny," one of your twins said, placing his hand on the corresponding picture on Marco's chest.

"You still are my little boys, and you always will be," Marco replied, pulling the twins into a hug and peppering them with kisses, causing them to squeal and laugh.

A.N. Erik Durm next!

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