Mesut Özil and Marco Reus [~] Choices

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For mariyam298: Mesut Özil and Marco Reus

Mariyam had never wanted for this to go this far. She didn't want to be the cause of their fight, nor did she want to be a part of it. It had all started when she had attended a German national team party. Both of them had seen her across the room, and both couldn't keep their eyes off of her the whole night. Mariyam had felt their stares but wasn't quite sure how to react.

How do you properly handle a situation like that, where two of the world's top football players were fighting for your heart? Especially when they were both now her best friends too. She lived outside of Paris and wasn't readily available to either of them, which was a plus for her. She didn't like confrontation and being in close proximity to one for extended periods of time was a sure way to start a war between the two of them.

Marco Reus had attracted Mariyam to him from the moment she laid eyes on him. He was what every girl wanted, well at least every girl in Dortmund. His blonde hair was amusing for Mariyam, because it was so soft and fun to run your fingers through. He was charming and immensely talented with a ball at his feet. His humor and adorableness had kept Mariyam coming to Dortmund games to support him or to his Dortmund home for a rest day. He was fun and respectful, which Mariyam appreciated immensely but yet, she wasn't completely sold on him either. He was the perfect guy, inside and out, but there was something about him that didn't make Mariyam want to jump into a relationship with him. There was one flaw that she couldn't identify that rubbed her the wrong way and she wouldn't let herself start a relationship with him until she found the problem. Part of the problem could have been her other guy best friend and Marco's national team teammate, Mesut Özil.

Mesut and Marco were complete opposites, at least from Mariyam's point of view. Whereas Marco was completely open to Mariyam about everything and anything, Mesut was more reserved. He wasn't like Marco, who could laugh with just about anybody. He was shy and quiet, which made Mariyam laugh every time she was around him. His shyness was absolutely adorable in Mariyam's eyes. He was also immensely skilled with a ball at his feet. He had his own sense of humor and you had to understand him to understand his humor properly. The tabloids wrote bad things about Mesut, from what he did off the pitch to his home life, but Mariyam wasn't deterred in the slightest. She had seen a side of Mesut that not many saw, and she was completely and utterly infatuated with that side of him, the way he was when he was around her. He treated her with respect and focused on her, not himself whenever they would call each other on the phone. And Mariyam didn't know what to do about it.

Would she go with Marco, who was the type of guy that a girl would take home to her parents without any worries and have the picket fence life? Or would Mesut's different side suck her in to the point of no return? Mariyam didn't know how it was possible to fall in love with two people at the same time. She had always looked down at girls or guys that jumped from one partner to the next yet she found herself going back and forth between two different guys.

They weren't pressuring her or anything that would make her uncomfortable. But, Mariyam could see the mounting tensions rising between the two. And tension was not a good thing, in any sense of the word. If they weren't in perfect condition, then Germany would be fighting for the Euro 2016 championship with two guys who couldn't pull themselves together. And it would be all Mariyam's fault. Deciding that it would be best if they got this settled, before anyone got hurt, Mariyam invited both of them to her home outside of Paris. They didn't know that their fellow knight fighting for Mariyam's heart would be there, and Mariyam hoped she wasn't making a bad decision by withholding that information.

Her home was located about a half an hour drive from Paris, in the French countryside. Her neighbors were a good distance from her own home, so Mariyam wasn't scared of frightening her neighbors with the battle that was sure to ensue between the two footballers. Marco arrived first, pulling up in front of her home. Mariyam walked out to greet him, inviting himself inside her house. "I hope you don't mind, but I invited a few friends over too. They should be here soon," Mariyam said.

"It's your house, you can invite whoever you want," Marco smiled before the doorbell rang. Mariyam excused herself to go open the door to Mesut.

"Hi," Mariyam hugged Mesut before allowing him into her home as well. When Mesut and Marco locked eyes, a cold atmosphere immediately descended upon the home, and all members inside it could easily feel the icy surroundings. They had never been too hostile whenever Mariyam was around, but from what a few of the other Germans told her, a fight between the two wouldn't be a pretty sight. Both of them were stubborn, she was sure, and she knew this wasn't going to be easy. "So since you're both here, I thought that we could all have a chat, like adults," Mariyam stated, motioning to the table she had cleared in the dining room.

Mesut and Marco sat on opposite sides of her, Mariyam located in between the two of them. "Why is he here?" Marco whispered to you, which resulted in Mesut narrowing his eyes at Marco.

"Because he's one of my best friends," you told Marco, hoping that the glare the two of them were shooting each other would dial down a bit. She had no such luck. "I'm assuming you both know why I asked you to come here today," Mariyam sighed, looking between the two.

"You're going to decide, right?" Marco asked.

"Not decide per say, more like calm tensions," Mariyam explained.

"Good luck with that," Mesut replied coolly.

"And I expect both of you to act like adults about the matter."

"I'm an adult, he's the one over there that's glaring at me like I kicked his tricycle into the street," Marco muttered.

"At least I'm not mouthing off like a teenage girl who didn't get what she wanted for her birthday," Mesut retaliated.

"Guys," Mariyam warned, but she was ignored.

"I don't even know why she wastes her time around you, it's like talking to a brick wall," Marco growled, standing up.

"At least I'm able to hold a conversation. You always storm away after something's said that you don't like," Mesut said in a deadly tone, standing up too.

"Oh, I'm sure your conversations are quite interesting because you're just Mr. Studmuffin over there. You know you better stop acting like a perfect person because we all know you're not."

"I never said I was perfect, you're the one over there with the ego. Your hair's all puffed up because your sheer ego couldn't fit in your body!"

"GUYS!" Mariyam shouted, pushing their chests apart lightly. They were locked in a battle until one backed down, and that was a long way from happening. "Please." The two stopped their stare off, sitting down peacefully in their chairs until Marco stood up and stormed out of the room.

"Told you," Mesut murmured, which caused Mariyam to give him an exasperated look.

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