Mesut Özil and Marco Reus (Part 5) [~] Choices

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Mesut Özil and Marco Reus (Part 5)

A.N. Hey guys! So this is the last part of this little story. Marco did win the voting war thing so here is the Marco result. However, there were still a number of people who wanted Mesut and PM'd me pleading for me to write with Mesut winning in the end. So, I'm doing both results. The top half of the chapter is for Marco fans and the bottom half is for Mesut fans. Don't feel obligated to read both. Thanks for the support as always and I have another four request to do after this one so if you do request, it may take some time for me to write it and publish it. On with the story!


". . . . Marco," Mariyam stated. Mesut and Mariyam looked at the Dortmund star as a small smile broke out across his face. He stepped forwards and brought Mariyam into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for doubting you, Mariyam," Marco sighed. "I was just insecure and I didn't want to lose you."

"It's okay," Mariyam replied, resting her head on Marco's chest. Mesut slipped back out into the party, leaving the content couple by themselves. "I've given you plenty of reason to doubt me, Marco. I'm not offended."

"I should have trusted you wholeheartedly. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. And I love you," Mariyam said, using the dreaded 'l' word for the first time around Marco.

"I love you too," Marco smiled, pulling Mariyam into a dazzling kiss. The two were in their own world, not even remembering or caring about the fact that just beyond their little room were hundreds of people. They spent the night just swaying back and forth, never once letting go of one another until Mario ruined the moment by telling them that it was time to leave.

As Marco and Mariyam's relationship reached the one year mark, Mariyam decided to move in with Marco in Dortmund and promised to travel with him to whatever club he wanted. Mariyam's work was flexible enough that she would be able to work mostly from home, though she would still have to go on business trips occasionally.

Marco had been tremendously relieved that Mariyam had chosen him and all doubts he ever had for her vanished within the millisecond. After Mariyam had moved in with him, Marco had been contemplating whether or not he wanted to get married. They had talked about marriage generally but never once had Mariyam just said she wanted to get married. Contemplating the idea for another year, Marco finally decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Mariyam, he was certain of that. He wanted to place a golden band around her ring finger and watch her walk down the aisle in a stunning white dress. He wanted to call her his wife, and eventually and hopefully, the mother of his children. All he needed was a ring and an answer from a certain indecisive girl.

Buying a ring, with a little input from Mario, Marco put his plan into action. He had asked Mariyam to come to a party Mats was hosting for the start of the season. This 'party' was, in reality, an engagement party for the two of them. Mariyam had walked into a seemingly empty home until Marco appeared in front of her, down on one knee, with a ring in his hand.

Mariyam had been stunned but said yes straight away. The two were shortly married at a small ceremony in rural Germany. Now, five years after they tied the knot, an exhausted Marco walked into his and Mariyam's shared home. Training had been a pain in the butt due to the rain, but it was over and now Marco could just enjoy his time off.

"I'm home!" Marco called, causing little patters of feet to echo throughout the house. Spinning around the corner, ran Marco and Mariyam's first born, a little girl.

"Papa!" she yelled, running straight into Marco's awaiting arms.

"How's my big girl?" Marco asked, tickling his daughter, as Mariyam walked around the corner. Her stomach was swollen once more, this time with a boy. Waddling over to her husband, she gave him a quick kiss.

"How was training?"

"Exhausting, but I get the next two days off," Marco replied, kissing his wife on the forehead. "How's Reus #4?"

"Kicking as usual, just like his father," Mariyam joked as Marco wrapped an arm around her waist, leading the three of them towards the warm fire.


". . . Mesut," Mariyam sighed. "I'm sorry, Marco. I just . . . I can't . . ."

"Save it. I should have known. You never stopped loving him, I was just too conceited to see it," Marco muttered. "Have a beautiful life together." Marco stormed out of the room, leaving a stunned Mesut and an upset Mariyam. Sitting down, Mariyam placed her head in her hands and let out a few tears. She didn't want to hurt Marco but her heart didn't belong to him, it never had. She felt horrible having done that to him as she sobbed pathetically on the couch. She cared for Marco, but not in the same way she cared for Mesut. Marco was a great friend to her, but not a lover.

Mesut stood, stunned for a moment, before he focused on a sobbing Mariyam. Walking over to her side, Mesut sat down next to her and placed a hand on her back. Mariyam stiffened before slouching and resuming her self-pity party. Taking a chance, Mesut pulled Mariyam to him and hugged her, just letting her pain out. Suddenly, Mariyam stopped and placed her hands on Mesut's chest, pushing herself off of him. "Why?" she asked.

"Why what?"

"Why did you let me go, Mesut? Why didn't you just hold onto me and not let me go?"


"Because why?"

"Because I didn't want to drag you down with me, Mariyam. All the crap I get from the media, I didn't want you to have to deal with it too."

"And you don't think Marco gets crap from the paparazzi too?"

"He does but look up articles about me compared to him. Ever since I went to Real Madrid and later Arsenal, all anyone ever talked about was that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't worth the money. They made fun of me, of my heritage, of everything about me and I didn't want you to have to shoulder the load. I could take hits but I don't want you to have to deal with that either."

"I don't care what they think. They could say anything in the world, that doesn't make it right."

"People believe lies, Mariyam."

"I realized that, Mesut. Look, I don't read what they say in those fake papers but I do know one thing. I care about you, Mesut, more than you think. And I don't care what they say, nothing they can or will say will change the fact that I care for you, Mesut." Mesut sat quietly, seemingly trying to take all of what Mariyam was saying at once. Finally, he spoke.

"I love you. My mother always said, if you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, it never was yours in the first place." Mesut looked up into Mariyam's eyes as the two slowly started to lean in. "And you came back."

"Which means that I'm yours and you are mine . . . forever," Mariyam stated.

"Forever," Mesut agreed, leaning in as well. The gap was closed between the two as they shared their first, and definitely not their last, kiss together.

Mesut and Mariyam received criticism for their relationship, which was expected by all parties involved, but the criticism was promptly ignored. When Marco was interviewed about the two of them, he said he simply didn't have an opinion on the relationship because he had his own new relationship to care for and worry about. Mariyam and Mesut didn't care what they said because all that mattered to them was that they were together. Because, as Mariyam had said before, nothing would break the two apart. Not transfers, new jobs, kids, etc. Because nothing can ever truly break true love.

A.N. Hoped you liked them or whichever one you decided to read. James Rodriguez imagine up next!

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