Mesut Özil [~] Arrow to the Knee

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Mesut Özil

For EmilyJanuzaj:

Emily could have never for seen the impact of meeting one person on her life until she met Mesut. It had been the start of her internship and eventual job working for Arsenal Football Club as a medic and physio for the club's players. Emily couldn't have been more excited at the time, having been a longtime fan of the Gunners, and worked hard to maintain her internship.

Her first year of work was the year that everything would forever change. She had been called in early by her boss for a quick meeting. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Emily blinked several times before staring up at her boss as he lined them all up. "Aren't you excited?" one of the other interns, Ron was his name, chattered excitedly, too excitedly for Emily at that early in the morning.

"For what?" she asked, suppressing a yawn that was quickly building.

"Did you not hear? The new signing arrived from Real Madrid. Mesut Özil is a Gunner! Isn't it so exciting?" he had blabbered. Emily had nodded, though it was mostly so that he wouldn't keep going on and on. She had heard the Arsene had signed a new player. She was hoping he'd be a nice addition to the team. Even after working here for only a few weeks, the boys had quickly warmed up to her and she hoped that this new player, Mesut, would do the same.

The doors to the medic office opened and everyone immediately straightened up as the head physio, Arsene Wenger, Per Mertesacker, and the new signing entered the room. "These are our physios and medics," Per introduced in German to Mesut, who nodded his head. They went down the line and introduced themselves. No one else spoke German well enough to communicate with Mesut, except for Emily. She had taken several courses in college and was confident in her ability to speak the language.

"And this is Emily. She's another intern here," Per introduced in German.

"Welcome to Arsenal, Mesut. My name's Emily and I hope you'll like it here," Emily replied in German, causing Mesut to smile at her.

"I hope so too," Mesut stated quietly in German before Per and Arsene led him away. That had been their first meeting but it most certainly would not be their last. Being the only physio that spoke German well enough to communicate with Mesut, Emily was specifically assigned to him if he ever needed medical attention. Mesut and Emily were suddenly thrust together after Mesut ruptured a knee ligament.

Emily had been entrusted to nurse him back to health but everyone knew he'd be missing the better part of the season and critics starting raining down on Mesut. Emily was not deterred in the slightest and stuck to her work. She helped Mesut every day around his house, doing small tasks for him here and there, and gave him physical therapy on a daily basis. English lessons somehow became a daily occurrence for the two as well.

Mesut progressed well with English and with his physical therapy and Emily couldn't be happier. One night, Emily returned to Mesut's house, not even bothering to knock anymore, when she had bumped into the German. He had been walking around the corner when she smacked into him, causing them both to fall to the ground. Mesut ended up on the bottom as Emily's hair covered both of their faces. "Sorry, Mes, I didn't realize you were . . . walking," Emily's words stopped after she had moved her mop of hair to see Mesut's face very close to her own. A deep red blush filtered over both of their cheeks until Mesut leaned forwards and kissed Emily.

She had been shocked at first, but quickly kissed back. The moment had marked the beginning of their relationship and Emily couldn't be happier with Mesut, and he couldn't be happier with Emily. Their relationship quickly became a hot topic of gossip cites in England and Germany, but Mesut quickly shielded Emily from the limelight. As a reserved person, Mesut hated how the press was always looking around into personal affairs and he didn't want to force Emily into dealing with such things. Emily of course had assured her boyfriend that it had been fine and she didn't mind it as much as he thought she did.

Despite the press making false cheating allegations on Mesut every other week, the two reached their two year anniversary without a problem. Mesut paced nervously in the locker room as his teammates chattered excitedly around him. "What if she says no? I'm going to look like such an idiot," Mesut stressed, running his hands through his hair multiple times until Per slapped his hands away from his head.

"You'll be fine, Mesut. There's no way she can't say yes," Flamini assured his friend. Mesut let out a sign before opening his locker. Pulling out the box containing the engagement ring, Mesut slipped it into his pocket. He had set up a plan to propose to Emily and he hoped and prayed that it would work. Emily smiled and waved at Mesut from across the field before turning and talking with her coworkers again. They were also in on the plan and just had to keep Emily busy until Mesut was ready.

The boys warmed up and did multiple drills before setting up a scrimmage. Emily turned away from the field, causing Mesut to signal to the other players that he was ready. Mesut laid on the ground, clutching his knee in pain and hoped it looked realistic enough to concern his girlfriend. His teammates surrounded him as Alex waved to Emily and the other physios to come over. Hearing Mesut's name, Emily quickly grabbed her bag and sprinted across the field, praying that it wasn't serious.

By the time she reached the boys, they had parted, revealing Mesut on one knee a small box in his hand. "Mesut . . ." Emily breathed out, her heart thumping out of her chest.

"Emily, you're my best friend and my girlfriend of two years. You helped nurse me back to health and helped teach me English. You're the most beautiful woman to have ever lived and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Mesut proposed, opening the box to reveal the engagement ring. He hadn't gotten a huge diamond ring, knowing that Emily would most likely refuse to wear such a flashy item and hoped that Emily liked the design.

Emily placed a hand over her mouth in surprise before tackling Mesut to the ground. "Of course I'll marry you," she smiled, hugging her now fiancé tightly. Everyone cheered as Mesut slipped the ring onto her finger before the couple shared a passionate kiss.

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