Cristiano Ronaldo (Part 2) [~] Taken Baby

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Cristiano Ronaldo (Part 2)

For romanxzyera712:

After you met Junior after all the time being away from him, you and Cristiano agreed on joint custody of your child. Driving towards Cristiano's home, you couldn't help but think what would have happened if you and Cristiano had more than a one night stand. If you had woken up the next morning, and instead of just quickly getting dressed and leaving, had stayed and talked with him. If the two of you had gotten to know each other and fallen in love and providing Junior with a stable home together.

Shaking such thoughts out of your head, you parked your car and walked up to the front door of the large mansion in front of you. Knocking lightly on the door, you waited patiently for the door to open. The door opened and you smiled down at your son. "MAI!" he shouted, leaping into your outstretched arms, you chuckled, pulling him to your chest and hugging him tightly. Running your hands through his dark curls, you smiled at your son.

"How've you been, Ninho?" you asked him, walking into the large estate.

"I've been great, Mai. Pai took me to one of his games and it was so cool," your son gushed, causing you to chuckle. You closed the door behind you as Cristiano walked down the stairs to greet you.

"Are you going to be a footballer too someday?" you questioned your son, placing a kiss to his forehead. Your son shrugged before wiggling out of your grasp.

"When are you moving in, Mai? Everyone else's parents at school live together," Junior stated, staring up at you with adoring brown eyes. You and Cristiano stared at each other in shock, both at a loss for words for a few moments.

"Uh . . . Maybe later, Junior," you told your son causing him to pout.

"Alright, Junior, stop pestering your mother. Let's get you loaded into her car," Cristiano said quickly, ruffling his son's curly hair before walking upstairs to grab Junior's bag. Junior was staying with you for a week while Cristiano was away with games and training. Placing his bag into your car, you waited for Junior to say good bye to Cristiano. After hugging his father for a while, Junior finally let go and bounded over to you. You smiled and picked him up, loading him into the car seat before shutting the door.

Moving around to the driver's side, you paused in your movements when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you locked eyes with Cristiano. "Yes?"

"We need to talk about this . . . predicament. For our son's sake," Cristiano stated.

"If you want to rework the custody agreements—"

"—No, it's not about the custody agreements. Can you please get a night off so we can talk about it together?" You nodded, still slightly confused, but went along with it. You and Cristiano coordinated and were both able to get off work and other commitments for the night, leaving Junior with his grandmother for the night, and met at a restaurant to discuss your predicament.

Walking into the restaurant, you noticed Cristiano in the corner and made your way over. He was staring at the menu when the scraping of your chair on the floor caused him to look up at you. "Have you ever been here before?" Cristiano asked.

"Of course I have, I own it," you chuckled.

"This is your restaurant?" You nodded, a small smile on your lips.

"So what did you want to discuss?" you inquired, sipping out of your glass.

"Have you noticed lately how Junior . . . keeps trying to make us stay together?" Cristiano sighed, taking a sip from his own glass.

"Yes, I have," you admitted, sighing to yourself. Junior was a happy child, everyone could see that, but he always put up a fight when you and Cristiano were switching off custody of him. "I think he's tired of moving between homes so frequently," you replied.

"(Y/N), would you ever consider . . . moving in with me?" Staring up at Cristiano you sighed, shutting your eyes for a few moments before replying.

"I don't know, Cristiano," you sighed. "I really don't know."

"Tell me what it would take for you to move in with me. We don't have to share anything: not a bed, not schedules, nothing. I just want our son to be happy."

"I do too, it's just I don't think we could live together peacefully, Cristiano. I mean, this is the first extended conversation we've ever had, besides the one we had when we first met," you sighed. "I just don't think it's plausible."

"Please, just give it a try. You and I both know that this is hurting Junior in ways we can't fix except by us working together," Cristiano responded.

"We can test it out for one night. If it goes well from there, I'll consider moving in with you," you stated. You and Cristiano selected a night, which arrived faster than you thought possible. Knocking on the door again, you waited for the door to open. A backpack was on your back, filled with clothes and other necessities you had. The door opened and Cristiano let you into the home.

Thanking him, you kicked off your shoes and placed your bag on the ground. "Where's Junior?"

"He should be around here—"

"—Mai! You're here!" Junior shouted, running down the stairs.

"No running down the stairs," you and Cristiano said at the same time, causing you to look at each other oddly. Junior jumped off the last step and ran towards you, hugging your leg tightly, causing you to chuckle.

"When are we leaving?" he asked.

"We're not, I'm staying the night," you smiled, enjoying your son's reaction to the new information.

"Really?" You nodded your head as Junior wiggled out of your grasp. "We can have a movie night! I'll set it up!" Junior shouted, running off before you could catch him.

"I think I'll change before we lay down," you stated, picking up your bag.

"You can change in here," Cristiano said, opening the door to a bathroom. You thanked him and closed the door. Changing into your pajamas, you opened the door to the bathroom. Cristiano had also changed into his pajamas and was waiting to lead you to Junior's movie room. Your bag picked that moment to tumble off the countertop and onto the ground, spill several contents out.

Cristiano helped you pick up your things when he suddenly stopped, picking up a familiar white jersey. You stared at him silently, waiting for his reaction. "You still have this?" Cristiano asked, holding out the old Real Madrid jersey he had given you. You had attended a match with your cousins, who had somehow gotten great seats. After the game, Cristiano gave you the jersey and you had had it ever since.

"Of course I do," you smiled slightly. "I kept it to remind myself of the life I left behind. Of who I left behind," you sighed. Cristiano looked at you as he grabbed your hand in his. You squeezed his hand back as the two of you leaned in slightly.

"Mai! Pai! Come see the movie room!" Junior interrupted, causing the two of you to jump apart.

"Coming Junior!" you called, shooting Cristiano an unsure look before letting your son drag you out of the room and away from Cristiano.

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