Manuel Neuer [~] Oktoberfest

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A.N. This is the only one I'm writing today because I just got off a ten hour shift so have mercy on my soul, please! Tomorrow, the goal is to complete (at a minimum) Alvaro Morata, Lars Bender, Marco Reus, and Soony Saad. That would leave Antoine Griezemann and Sergi Roberto. Again, if you requested before the deadline and I didn't list your request, PM me soon because as soon as school starts again, I won't be on here at all. And this chapter was inspired by 'Somebody to You' by the Vamps.

For Larapad: Manuel Neuer

You wouldn't have considered yourself the celebrity type of person. You weren't comfortable in front of a lot of people, and you didn't have the dazzling smile to accompany a type "A" personality. You weren't six feet tall, and therefore not of model material. You sang in the shower and the car, but in reality you probably sounded like a choking cat. Your acting was okay but you didn't really enjoy it. Music a passion, but you weren't good enough to make it big. You were athletic, but not nearly enough to be considered professional athlete material.

So, you did what every other mainstream person did. You were going to college to become a doctor initially, but then you realized that all the money you would make wouldn't make you happy. In reality, you didn't want to become a doctor and stitch up people for a living. It just wasn't your calling. Your real dream job was to be a physio for a professional football team, but the odds were forever not in your favor.

So, you changed your major and got a different job, a writer. It didn't pay nearly as well as a doctorate would, but you were happy, and that was enough for you. Your writing was mostly about the professional football world. Even though the physio opportunities were few and far, writing about the men and women on the field was a much more open occupation.

You watched mostly the Bundesliga, and therefore most of your articles were about the players, teams, and matches of the Bundesliga. And if there was one man you admired the most out of all the players you watched, it was Manuel Neuer. He fascinated you. He was a goalkeeper, but yet he would take penalties, play with the ball with his feet, and often times acted as a sweeper for Bayern Munich.

His foot skills were amazing for a keeper, and let's not forget the obvious fact that he is one of the hottest men in all of Germany. So, you fangirled over Manuel Neuer like preteens did over boy bands. The chances that you would date him were overly slim, as were your chances of even meeting him face to face. So, you tucked the feelings in and tried to look for a real life boyfriend.

But, your searching was basically futile. All the guys you met just didn't fit the calibers that you had set. You were confident that Manu would easily fill them but you didn't openly acknowledge the fact around others. You took off some time from work to travel and clear your head a bit. So, you picked Germany and before you knew it, you were walking through the streets of Munich.

Your coat ruffled in the light breeze as you walked through the streets. It was different from the cities you were used to, but it was a very good different to you. You went and visited the top sights in Munich, and as it was that time of the year, you were going to visit Oktoberfest. Hopping onto the subway, you looked around for a spot to sit. With no available seats, you leaned against the wall, holding onto the bar as the subway lurched forwards.

A tall man leaned against the wall next to you, a hat covering his head, and his attention focused on his phone. You focused on the area in front of you, glancing at the man next to you. His face was slightly revealed to you as he picked his head up, and you nearly fainted on the spot. It was freaking Manuel Neuer next to you on the German subway! On the outside, you were completely stoic and normal. On the inside, you were hopping up and down erratically and trying to control your breathing.

Sending another glance his way, you willed yourself to look away before he caught you. You assessed your options. You could freak out and draw attention to the two of you, which would undoubtedly piss him off and make you look like a fool. You could quietly as him for an autograph, pretending it was for your 'nephew', but there was no telling how he would respond to that, not to mention how weird it would look to your fellow subway riders. Or you could just pretend like nothing happened, and go on with your life. You didn't like any of your options when the subway suddenly jerked.

You would have nearly gone flying, had it not been for the strong arm that prevented you from moving too far forwards. The conductor apologized for the jerk as the subway moved forwards normally once more. Manuel moved his arm and you looked at, well up at, him. He offered you a small smile and you could only gape at him before nodding in thanks. Leaning against the wall again, you silently cursed yourself your being such an awkward turtle.

"You know who I am, no?" Manu whispered, staring at you once more. You nodded, causing Manu to chuckle lightly. "Thank you for not fangirling, you wouldn't believe how much a pain in the butt that would have been."

"You're welcome," you replied quietly, in your best German accent. You knew German, since you did cover the Bundesliga, but writing/reading a language and speaking it were two completely different things.

"Foreigner?" Manu asked. You nodded once more. "Have you ever been to Oktoberfest before?" You shook your head no. "I can show you to the best pub for the holiday, if you'd like that." Your eyes widened and you nodded slowly, causing Manuel to smile. The subway stopped and the two of you disembarked, Manuel leading you through the streets to the best pub in the area, as he had promised. You were one of the luckiest fangirls in the world. You had met your idol and best of all, you had gotten to marry your idol.

Sitting on the couch in your shared home, you smiled at the photo album you had made of Manu's achievements before you had met him. Three sets of footsteps caught your attention as the book was taken from your grasp. "What is that?" your daughter asked her father.

"Mommy was a bit obsessed with daddy before she met me," Manu chuckled, sitting next to you. Your daughter sat next to him as your son crawled into your lap. Manu flipped through the album, showing off his title wins, and other awards.

"You won a lot of awards, Papa," your son stated, looking at the album in Manu's large hands.

"I have, but I don't consider any of these awards the most important," Manu replied.

"Not even the World Cup?"

"Or the Ballon D'or?"

"Nope, because the most important achievement I've ever completed was being a successful husband to your mother, and a loving father to you two," Manu smiled, closing the album. You smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder as your children curled up in both of your arms.

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