Chapter 17: Ball

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Wow! Well this is a long chapter, it would be longer but I had to cut it off kind of in the middle; I just couldn't find anywhere to stop it! Anyway, I think we're all looking forward to a ball, and judging by all the other Nico-at-Hogwarts this story is due one. Enjoy -Emmi


Will POV:

"It went terribly!" Nico moaned, "Now she actually does hate me! And worse, now Draco seems to hate me too!"

"Ugh," That was Will. He could never see enough of his boyfriend, but these constant Iris Messages were starting to get in the way. He had three patients, and he doubted Conner, who lay a few feet away with a broken leg, appreciated listening to Nico's social problems instead of being healed, however important they might be.

"Look, Neeks, I really have to go." The son of Hades looked like he was about to panic;

"Already? But what am I gonna do? I need your help!"

Will groaned, he wanted to help, he really did, but try as he might there wasn't any way he could think to help his boyfriend short of actually going to Hogwarts with him, which he had already asked Chiron (who had been informed of the goings-on under stress to "not tell anyone or face my wrath" -that was Hades), and received a negative.

Apparently the headmistress had only agreed to let one American exchange student come to Hogwarts, and in order to convince her otherwise they would be forced to tell her everything about the gods. They had decided to avoid this at all costs, so Will was stuck at Camp Half Blood, away from the possibility of helping Nico.

"I don't know what to say, Neeks. I really want to help you, but there's only so much I can do from here. If you could convince McGonagal to let me come to Hogwarts..." he shrugged, "But for now I really do need to go, Conner's going to prank me for weeks if I don't see to him now,"

Nico sighed, nodding glumly. "I know, sorry." he forced a small smile. "Love you."

"Love you too."

*** Nico POV:

Once the rainbow connection disappeared, Nico put his head in his hands, groaning loudly.

He knew it was unfair to ask Will to help him, when there was so little he could really do, but he desperately needed some kind of help, and the son of Apollo was the only one he could think of who could give it.

Hazel was always an option, or Percy or Jason, but something told him they wouldn't be much help.

A moment in their conversation seemed to stick to him, he frowned as he tried to remember what Will had said.

"If you can convince McGonagall to let me come-"

Nico frowned deeper. Surely he couldn't really convince the headmistress to let Will come to Hogwarts...

He had just decided it was worth a try, when Blaise entered the bathroom,

"There you are, Transfiguration starts in five minutes and everyone has to be there."

Nico scowled at him. "What do you mean, everyone?"

Blaise rolled his eyes, "You're not still mad about before, are you? Come on, all the eighth years have to be there, and McGonagall'll kill us if we're late."

When the son of Hades still hesitated he added, "Don't make me regret coming to warn you!"

Now Nico was just plain curious, so he grudgingly got up and followed Zabini out of the bathroom and to the Transfiguration classroom. When they got there they were met with some muttering and a few snide looks, but generally they were ignored.

Almost everyone was already there, Draco was standing on the other side of the room from them next to Pansy, and though she waved when they entered he ignored them. Nico frowned, but just then the last few Hufflepuffs came guiltily scurrying in, McGonagall gave them a withering look and closed the door behind them.

She strode forwards through the crowd of students to the front of the classroom, standing behind her desk. She cleared her throat and the class fell into silence.

Once everyone had stopped speaking the professor gave them all a tight smile;

"Good afternoon, eighth years. As I'm sure you're all aware of, the war that took place last year has sapped a lot of the fun and light-heartedness out of

Hogwarts, as it has in places all over Britain." she scanned the crowd as she spoke, and a low murmur of agreement met her words. "Due to this, I and your other professors have decided that a lightening of the mood is in order. We have considered many possibilities, before stumbling upon a muggle tradition which I must admit I have taken a liking to." again there was a general murmur and whispering of interest, a few muggle-borns taking guesses. One Gryffindor near to Nico said excitedly;

"Like one of those speech things where everyone has to go up on stage and talk about, like, the environment?"

A few people gave him queer looks and his friend jabbed him with an elbow.

McGonagall continued, ignoring the comment, "It is known to the muggles as Prom, and seeing as no Wizard or Witch has experienced it before; we decided to take this year to put on a Ball at Hogwarts. It will be modeled after the muggle tradition, but shaped to suit the wizarding world."

There was now a general uproar, muggle-borns cheering and grinning, and purebloods excitedly looking forward to a ball.

Professor McGonagall smiled again, happy to see the teens finally looking excited and happy about something.

"Most of you will remember the Yule Ball, this will be similar to that event. It is a celebration of the finishing of school, and this seems rather appropriate. We will only be allowing over fifth years, unless on invitation. The ball will be held in one month's time, Christmas Eve."

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