Chapter 18: Royalty

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As the school really took up the notion that they were getting a ball, another uproar threatened to set in, but before it could get too crazy McGonagall announced the last part.

"As is muggle tradition, there will be a King and Queen of the ball. These will be chosen at random," at that she flicked her wand and slips of paper and quills zoomed out over the room, one going to each person. "If everyone would write their names on their slips of paper, fold them and then the two names will be chosen by magic."

Some people were excited, scribbling their names down with their magical quills, giggling excitedly, hoping that they would be chosen.

Most of this was done by the girls, who all seemed delighted by the whole idea. The boys were more reserved.

"What!" demanded Nico in horror. The sheer idea of being picked as Prom King terrified him. There was no way he was writing his name on that paper. At normal schools he was pretty sure this happened through voting, or at least something that wasn't random!! No one would vote for the creepy, gay, emo, Italian kid, but with a random draw he actually stood a chance of being picked!!

"I'm not writing my name! No way!" Many of his fellow males shared his opinion.

Professor McGonagall gave a sharp glare to the boys, and said icily. "Entering your name is obligatory. The King and Queen of the ball will perform the first dance of the evening with their partners, as well as be given crowns to wear throughout the night." when there were still some negative grumbles coming from the room she glared harder, "Everyone will enter their names!"

She was so scary that everyone finally wrote their names down.

When the final Ravenclaw finished her excruciatingly long and complex signature- folding the paper and allowing it to pop out of existence, McGonagall flicked her wand, smiling as if everyone was loving this, and a piece of Paper appeared in front of her.

She snatched it out of the air, unfolding it with a dramatic swish. Everyone held their breath-

"The Queen of the ball is..."

Lips were bitten-

"Hermione Granger!"

A huge cheer rang out from all the girls, bundled around Hermione like a swarm of bees, the girl was blushing and giggling excitedly with the others.

Nico groaned and rolled his eyes. He thought of every god he had ever met and begged them; not me, not me, not me.

"And now, the King of the ball..."

There was a sharp intake of breath, Blaise gripped his shoulder, "I'll pray for you, mate."

Which made Nico feel ever so slightly guilty for not praying for Blaise, seeing as he was the one who actually could pray.

However it was too late now to pray for anyone, as just then the second piece of paper appeared, and was opened by McGonagall.

"The King of the ball is..."

Just get on with it!

"Nico di Angelo!"

"No!" Nico buried his head in his hands and did his best not to wish he could disappear into the earth, because if he did that then he probably would.

Blaise gave him a sympathetic look, and slapped him on the back.

"Hey, better you than me mate."

Nico scowled at him balefully. If anyone had stopped staring at him since that morning, everyone's eyes were locked on him now.

"Look out," warned Blaise quietly, indicating across the room, "Here comes trouble."

Nico spun around and groaned as he spied a flock of girls, Hermione at their centre, advancing upon him like a giggling swarm of piranhas.

Nico paled, "What do you think they want?" he asked Blaise.

The Slytherin shrugged, "How should I know? Maybe one of them's gonna ask you out." Nico glared at him.

"No way. They hate me." But he was panicking now, what did they want?

However, before he could make any plan, the girls were on them, surrounding the two boys like a pack of wolves.

"So, you're King of the ball?" That was Hermione.

"Um, yeah."

Nico waited, not knowing what to expect after the astronomy tower. Would she yell at him? Sneer at him? Make a snide comment to further ruin his social life?

The brunette smiled. "Cool. See you around."

And before anyone could say a word more the pack had disintegrated, stalking off in a giggling heap.

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