Chapter 39: Tear

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I am so sorry for my slow updates, we're just so close to the end now and my writers block is killing me. I practically shoved this chapter out of myself with pure willpower XD I am TRYING to write faster, but it's really hard rn so I'll update again as soon as possible. As I said the story is drawing to a close and I estimate three or four more chapters (possibly more idk yet) pls enjoy, and if you like this story then comment & vote -Emmi


The maze seemed endless, twisting and turning through the massive room like it would never end, possibly it wouldn't.

Nico would have been lost after minutes, but Draco guided him through with confidence. The demigod got the idea that Malfoy had been here many many times. He also noticed Draco's tight and closed expression, he looked pale and shocked by his surroundings and situation, though Nico didn't know which part.

The two walked for what seemed an eternity, and the deeper they went the more Nico wondered if Draco really did know his way around this place after all. As they rounded the millionth bend, he spoke up,

"Draco, we need to get to Granger, now. We don't have time for winding around this stupid maze!"

Malfoy turned to look at him, nodded, spun to the side and without a word started climbing the possessions.

Nico hesitated only a moment before following him, up and up and up. The objects weren't tied down, so many times things slipped and clattered down the pile to the floor, but Nico easily scaled the loose mountain. Demigod training came in handy now and then.

Finally they reached the top of their pile, and Nico's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. The maze was huge. He could see for miles around, and the sight was so overwhelming he almost gave up there and then. How would they ever find Granger in this!

"It's huge," he muttered.


"How are we ever going to find Granger?" Nico realised he sounded desperate, but the emotion was hard to temper.

At this there came almost a smile onto Draco's face, "Look a bit closer."

The son of Hades felt a little exasperated at this, couldn't anyone ever give him a straight answer? But he did look, and his eyes fell on a place a few piles down, a kind of clearing. Above the nearest heap he could just make out a bushy head of hair.

There she was!

"We've got to get to her!" Nico said furiously, almost yelling.

"No!" Draco grabbed onto his arm before he could shadow-travel. "You can't..." he hesitated, "-apparate with the shadows- here."

Nico didn't have time to ponder how Draco knew he used the shadows to travel, "why not!"

The blonde squeezed his eyes shut for a second in apparent aggravation, then he spoke harshly, "I already told you, the magical structure of this place is precariously balanced, if you cast powerful magic here -not to mention necromancy- it could upset it and cause the room to collapse in on itself."

The room's magic didn't feel upset.

Nico sighed angrily, "fine."

He set off crashing down the pile, and Draco was hot on his heels.

Everything from books to lamps to tables and skeletons tumbled and crashed around Nico as he scattered objects left and right on his way down the hill and over the next, when he was about to start running up the third one, Malfoy grabbed his wrist.

"This way!" he called over the noise of crashing and tumbling.

Nico didn't know why they were going this way, he could picture the room clearly still and he knew Hermione was over the next hill, but he followed his friend further into the room, slightly off to the side of the pile he wanted to climb and along another deep valley.

"Where are we going!" he demanded, but Draco was so pale his skin was almost translucent.

"Just a bit further." he seemed to be whispering to himself more than to Nico.

They rounded a bend, and Malfoy suddenly stopped, Nico ran on for a few feet before coming to a stop as well and turning to face his friend, "what is it?"

Draco's eyes were wide and hollow, desperate. A single tear lay on his cheek, and as Nico watched it slid slowly down to drip off his chin and fall to the floor. It was suddenly so quiet that the boys could hear their own breathing.

"I'm sorry." the wizard whispered, and he looked suddenly so young, so afraid, and so, so desperate. Nico's guide, his housemate, his friend, flicked his wand.

There came a crash, and the floor erupted.

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