Eternal Dawn

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Dawn whispers to eyes sealed in dreams,

Under night's last sigh, I lie, wrapped in silk's embrace,

Softness meets skin, in tranquility's stream,

Your skin against mine, warmth entwined, as morning grace.

My heart, once a fortress, now tender to touch,

As you draw near, warmth encircles me whole.

Your breath's gentle brush on my upper back ignites,

A shiver of bliss, thoughts racing yet in calmness, I'm alight.

The sheets on us, yet chills down the spine,

A paradox of warmth and thrilling cold combine.

In a haven of peace, where joy softly sings,

Your embrace, my shelter, where unconditional love takes wing.

Small in your hold, yet infinite it brings,

A strength that cradles, a love that clings.

A mad woman, in depths of love untold,

Madly in love, yet words falter, bold.

Terrible at confessions, face-to-face verses cold,

In your arms, my truth, my heart, bravely unfolds.

Under the cloak of night, in whispers we confess,

In the language of touches, our fears we undress.

In the dance of shadows, my vulnerabilities rest,

In the silence, my love, eternally professed.

Saturday's morning has never shone so bright,

In the warmth of your embrace, everything feels right.

Know these memories are etched, never to fade away,

In the fabric of my soul, forever they'll stay.

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