Heartfelt Foundations

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My Beacon, My Compass

Encircled by souls
Who cherish and care,
Each day they teach me
To voice what I dare.
My little angels,
In you, pride swells wide.

The loyal pet,
The friend by my side,
The sister afar, yet close to my heart,
The neighbor steadfast, never to part,
A dad like shadow,
Supporting me everyday.
And those friends scattered,
Both near and far,
Grateful for the perspectives
That shape who we are.

An empty house,
Just like once my heart,
Now filled with people,
Bursting open, falling apart,
Rebuilt with laughter, love, and tears,
Echoing with hopes, dreams, and shared years.

Deep in my heart,
You are my world entire,
Never was I lost,
But rediscovered in your warm fire.

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