Lights Out

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Lights out,
Power's a ghost,
Blame the fierce fire near our post.
We gaze through the pane,
Fireflies ignite the fading light,
Echoing my childhood, clear and bright.
He pounces with a curious grace,
Trapping each fly with a swat of his paw,
Mimicking the playful curiosity I once saw in myself.
In this still world without a flicker,
No glowing screens, no digital whispers,
Yet our inner light shines,
Brighter than ever before.
It's the small moments that truly count,
Reminding me of the joy in our furry companion.
Time seems to pause,
As sunsets glow and the moon casts its cool light,
Never before have these sights mattered so much,
Yet it's only our minds that roam, weaving through thoughts unbound.

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