Verses of Resilience

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Why does she write?
People often wonder,
Admiring the lines,
How did this path unfold?

She's been writing
Since childhood days,
Finding her voice
On silent, papered stages.

Deep within,
She understands,
Childhood faded fast,
Her feelings tucked away.
Never fully expressed,
Never truly felt,
The innocence of youth
Long since forgotten.

Compelled to adopt toughness
From too young an age,
Her femininity flows instead
Through these everyday words.
Here, she reveals
A fragile realm,
Silent in speech,
Yet vibrant in verse.

Labeled the ice queen,
She shields her core,
Poetry her refuge,
Where vulnerabilities soar.
A woman, persisting,
Day after day,
Reconnecting with herself
Through poetic play.

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