Chasing Purpose

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Every dawn,
Crafting and inventing,
Endlessly acquiring new knowledge,
Venturing down uncharted roads,
Mastering innovative methods,
One harbors a quiet hope,
To relinquish all burdens for just one day,
Beside the tranquil stream,
Yet, deep within, one's heart aches to savor that morning coffee,
Nestled next to one's beloved pet companion,
Caressing them tenderly,
Attuned to the serene chirping of birds,
One longs to lose oneself in the pages of a poignant love story,
To indulge in a peaceful breakfast,
Perhaps in a different reality,
One far removed from this relentless pursuit,
Forever striving,
To carve out a foundation as steadfast as the earth,
It becomes essential,
To awaken and confront the day anew,
This mantra solidifies into one's creed,
When the soul's true purpose reveals itself,
Retreating becomes as impossible as unlearning one's very essence.

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