Love at First Sight

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The moment I saw you, my heart skipped a beat, 
There at the table, I found my seat. 
Rooted in place, mesmerized by your view, 
I was stuck, all I could do was look at you. 

Then you sat down, right by my side, 
Apologizing for the time, in haste you confide. 
Preparing for tomorrow's early day, 
Yet in that moment, my words slipped away. 

Eating Italian, oh heavens grace, 
The attraction in our eyes, a silent embrace. 
Impossible to pull away, a magnetic force in play, 
In this little homestyle spot, I wished we could stay. 

As spring's breeze danced, under the stars so bright, 
My ankle faltered, giving us a bit of a fright. 
But there you were, a steady presence by my side, 
Helping me home, our laughter our only guide. 

Despite the flight you had at dawn's early call, 
You made sure I was safe, standing tall. 
In that gentle spring evening, you showed me care, 
A moment of kindness, rare and fair. 

In that first sight, my love whispered soft and clear, 
A moment suspended, as if time drew near. 
In your gaze, a story yet to be penned, 
A journey of two hearts, entwined to the end. 

Through every shared smile and silent conversation, 
We found our souls in sweet synchronization. 
From that fateful evening, a connection so right, 
Blossomed a love that shines bright.

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