(The Arxis)

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Valerie woke up and found herself on a chair with some sort of wire plugged into her forearm. She looked around and saw a closed door. Other than that, there really wasn't anything else in the room- other than a few TVs with a code on them.

The wire was easy to take out her arm, so she did so and stood up. Valerie walked out the room and saw a long hallway with workers walking around. She walked down the hallway and bumped into someone: Brittany.

"Where am I?" Valerie asked her

Brittany smiled, "You're at the M.O.M headquarters. Follow me."

Brittany walked down the hall, with Valerie following her.

"How is this possible?" Valerie asked

"The ancient pathways." Brittany explained

"But, the ancient pathways are myths!" Valerie shook her head

"Didn't Elijah tell you this?"

"He left a LOT out." Valerie sighed

The two reached a room with an archway as the main focus, with many different things plugged into it.

"This is the Arxis. How we came from our earth, to your Among Us Raelo." Brittany explained

Valerie looked around and saw Elijah by a computer with Shiloh. They both noticed Valerie and walked over.

"You're awake." Shiloh smiled, "Was there any problems with the code? Is your vision okay? Can you walk fine?"

"I'm okay." Valerie chuckled and took another look around the room from where she was standing. She soon locked eyes with Elijah.

"Shiloh, a word." Brittany said, walking off with Shiloh and leaving Valerie alone with Elijah. Well, they weren't really alone.

"I know I should have told you sooner, but.." Elijah sighed

"I found out about some of it on my own." Valerie chuckled, "Micah is..."

"You saw the note, didn't you." Elijah groaned, rubbing his eye

"Yeah." She nodded

Elijah smiled and soon pulled Valerie into a hug.

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