( Sick? )

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Valerie lifted her head up once she regained consciousness and found herself back at the M.O.M headquarters. She checked her arm and saw that she hadn't gotten paler, but she saw green and black veins across her forearm coming out of her watch. So she quickly took the watch off and the markings faded.

Elijah walked into the room and leaned against the doorframe. "You have us all quite a scare there."

"Sorry." She rubbed her forehead

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked

"I don't even know myself." Valerie mumbled. "One point I was looking around the room, the next I was passed out from this... gas.. that filled the room."

"Gas?" Elijah sat down on the bed

"Yeah." She pulled her hand away from her forehead and looked at him.

"Well, why didn't it affect us?" Elijah asked himself

"I don't know what it meant, but I am not going back to that Raelo." Valerie shook her head

"That's fine. You need rest anyway. You're showing signs of being sick. Can't let you go to any more Raelos like this." Elijah replied

"Sick?!" Valerie sat up. "No! I need to go to the Raelos. I need to figure everything out!"

"Once you're feeling better, you can go through the Arxis. Until then, it's a no." He shook his head

"Fine." Valerie sunk into the bed.

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