If Among Us had WAY Too many Mods

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Everyone was alerted to a meeting when Shiloh pressed the button.

"Where?" Everyone asked

"A power has been-." Shiloh stopped when seeing Valerie.

Valerie had an orange Camp-Half-Blood shirt over a dark grey onesie, her hair was tied up into a ponytail, and she had a Yankees cap attached to her belt.

"What are you doing here?" Shiloh asked

"I was feeling better." Valerie shrugged

"I mean, she's here now." John - who was a halo soldier- shrugged.

"Thank you." Valerie smiled

"Anyway- a power has been absorbed!" Shiloh explained and everyone gasped

"Okay. We all have unique powers, so maybe we have one that can help us take them down." Elijah spoke up. "Now, don't everyone speak at once." But that's exactly what everyone did.

Valerie sighed and rubbed her eye.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Elijah stopped them all

"How about this. Everyone has one word to say what their power does." Valerie compromised then turned to Judah. "What does your power do?"

"Awesome." Judah replied with

"No- Judah- I- Another word!" Valerie said

"Sexy." He smirked

"No, that's not." Elijah shook his head

"Justice!" Josiah - who was Batman- yelled

"Okay!" Elijah yelled. "We will figure it out as we go!"

"The absorber is an imposter with a very dangerous ability. They steal a crewmate's power when they throw them out, and absorb them." Shiloh explained and everyone gasped slightly. "If we don't get them out quickly, they'll become unstoppable."

"They targeted David's power first. That means he was really strong." Micah - who was a leprechaun- said. "Skip!"

Everyone raised their hand and skipped the vote. Shiloh handed everyone their task sheet, explaining what to do like usual. Valerie got her task sheet and immediately ran off to get them done. She managed to get quite a lot of tasks done until another power was absorbed and a meeting was called for it.

"The absorber got Judah in the dark." Shiloh explained and everyone gasped.

"Who was the one last seen with Judah?" Daniel - who was Steve - asked

"Shiloh was last with him." Allie - who was Belle - said. "It's her."

And a few people voted Shiloh.

"I saw Shiloh walk away just before Judah was caught." Valerie said

"You weren't even near her." Robin - Caesar - shook his head.

"You just have to trust me on this one. It's not Shiloh." Valerie said

"Greg the invisible man is sus!" Micah pointed to the empty space beside Robin.

"So you're saying there's an invisible man standing right there?" Elijah asked

"Obviously." Micah replied

"He's right." Valerie shrugged and everyone looked at her. "What? Greg's standing right there!"

"You're both crazy." Elijah mumbled, earning a slap on the arm from Valerie.

"Hang on. Allie can affect tasks because she reads so many books. Let's have her help us get these tasks done." Robin decided

"Wait, I'd the absorber got their hands on Allie's power..." Shiloh said

"They could undo tasks." Valerie mumbled

"What do you think, John?" Elijah asked John

"I say we skip, and keep an eye on Shiloh." John replied

"Yeah, I agree." Allie nodded

And everyone skipped. Valerie immediately ran off to get the rest of her tasks done. She walked into a room that had a few penguins in it and fed them some snacks. When she knelt down to feed one of them, the snack in her hand was replaced with the Princess chess piece. She put it into her pocket and stepped back.

Valerie put on her Yankees cap and disappeared, allowing her to walk out without anyone seeing her. Another power was absorbed, but no one reported it. Until Cole reported something and called everyone to the meeting.

"Someone dropped Swedish fish into an exhibit." Cole explained and everyone gasped

"And Allie's gone." Shiloh added. "That's the power they got."

"You mean the power you got." Cole replied

"I'm not the imp." She told him

"And they got Greg the invisible man!" Micah pointed out

"They did!" Valerie realised

"So, just to clarify, the invisible guy is no longer here." Elijah said

"Obviously." Valerie replied

"Wait, Valerie, were where you? I haven't seen you around." Daniel said to her

"Okay. I can't really explain it without giving away my power, but I have been around." Valerie smiled awkwardly

Micah was eventually voted out, but Robin saved him with his power. Valerie walked into a room for her task and then heard that a power was absorbed, and a little later she saw Elijah behind her.

"Elijah?" She turned around

"What does your power do?" Elijah stepped forward

"Why would I tell the absorber?" Valerie raised a brow

"How did you know?" Elijah stopped in front of her

Valerie took out her Yankees cap and put it on. She made an attempt to run out the room but was caught by Elijah and thrown out, with him taking her power and cap. Valerie walked over to the others and sighed.

"That's what your power was? Go go invisible?" Judah asked

"Yup." Valerie nodded

"Like me." Greg smiled

"Yeah. But I could control it with my cap. Which has now been stolen." She huffed

Robin was soon thrown out as well and was the imposter, but not the absorber.

"Judah, what green was your power?" Micah asked

"Oh, I could summon onions wherever I want." Judah explained

"That's not a real power." Micah said

"Oh really? Then what's this behind your ear!" Judah pulled an onion out from behind Micah's ear.

"How do you still have your power?" Mary asked

"Oh, the absorber didn't want it." Judah shrugged and ate the onion.

Soon, Cole was thrown out, then Annedra a bit later. Then, it was revealed to everyone that Elijah was the absorber. But the Crewmates managed to win either way, thanks to John.

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