(Just tell me)

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Valerie walked into her room and shut the door behind her. She took a deep breath before walking over to where the wire normally was, but it wasn't there. There was a knock at the door and Valerie thought she knew who it was.

"Shiloh?" Valerie turned her head to the door

"It's not Shiloh." Elijah opened the door and walked into the room

"Oh, hey Elijah, do you need something?" Valerie asked as she knelt down to look underneath her desk for the wire

"Are you looking for something?" Elijah walked over to her, his hands behind his back

"Yeah, I had an important wire back here. I'm sure I can just nick one off Daniel though." Valeire let out a soft chuckle

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Elijah sighed. Valerie nodded and he continued, "Mommy Longlegs spoke about Poppy talking to a 'creature'. And Poppy said that," Elijah cleared his throat, "you knew about it."

Valerie stiffened up and froze.

"You do know something, don't you?" Elijah leaned his back against the desk

"No, I don't." Valerie shook her head and stood up

Elijah chuckled, shaking his head before standing up straight and putting his hands in his pockets, "But, I think you do."

"Whatever I know about him isn't important though." Valerie shook her head

"Him?" Elijah repeated

"Look, Eli, it's nothing." Valerie shook her head and ran a hand through her brown hair

Elijah pulled Valerie's hand away from her hair and intertwined their fingers as he sighed. "Val, you're either as good as Shiloh when it comes to lying, or as bad as Judah. So tell me, who is 'him'?"

"I don't know." Valerie sighed, looking to the side

He lifted up her chin with one finger to have her look at him, "Okay, what do you know about him?"

"He has a weird name, is from a different Raelo, and is looking for me." Valerie told Elijah

"A weird name?" Elijah repeated with a small chuckle

"Yeah. It's Fangorre or something." Valerie chuckled softly

"Okay." Elijah smiled, "You'll tell me if anything else happens that I should know about, right?"

Valerie nodded and Elijah kissed her before walking to the door.

"The wire's on your bed." He said before leaving

She looked at her bed, and lo and behold, the wire was there. Valerie picked it up and plugged it back in by her desk and on her forearm.

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