If Among Us had a shapeshifter

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Shiloh walked over to a table and picked up a chocolate ball from a stand. She bit into it then scrunched up her face from the taste. Taking a look at it, she realised it was a chocolate covered onion so she quickly reported it, teleporting everyone to the meeting room.

"Where?" A group of people asked

"Somebody dipped onion-." Shiloh gagged even at the thought, "Somebody dipped onion-."

"Shiloh, may I?" Valerie whispered from beside Shiloh

"Yeah, go ahead-." Shiloh coughed

Valerie put a finger on Shiloh's head and her eyes widened. "That's disgusting! Who would do that?!"

"I know." Shiloh nodded

"Okay- explanation, please?" Daniel asked

"Somebody dipped onions-." Shiloh began

"Into chocolate." Valerie finished for her and everyone gasped.

"Is anyone sus?" Elijah asked

"Okay, I know that it's red. But it's not me. I haven't been anywhere near the kitchen all day!" Brittany explained

"Don't worry, Brittany, I totally believe you." Judah smiled, then turned to Micah and whispered, "I do not believe her."

"Don't call me sus!" Brittany told Judah

While Judah and Brittany argued across the table, Valerie felt herself being pushed and pulled around. Valerie looked around and realised Shiloh had swapped their places so Valerie was now standing next to Elijah. Shiloh gave Elijah a confident look and a nod, while Elijah gave a worried look and a shake of the head.

"Something's up with you two." Valerie whispered to Elijah

"Nope, nothing's wrong with us." Elijah shook his head, turning to look straight ahead

Valerie turned her attention back to the meeting to find everyone skipping, so she did so.

Shiloh then began to hand out the task sheets, "M.O.M gave us each a list of tasks to get done while we're watching the Skeild.

"And remember that there are four new roles!" Elijah explained

"The engineer, the scientist, the guardian Angel, and the shapeshifter imposter." Shiloh added

"Imposters can have roles too?" Daniel asked, "Does M.O.M hate us?!" Then he ran off, followed by Shiloh doing the same in the opposite direction.

"Eli, do you want to buddy up for today?" Valerie asked

"Sure." Elijah smiled, then did his little left, right, left, forward move before running off with Valerie following behind him.

The two ran off to get tasks done quickly, but strangely, Valerie was never looking when Elijah said he did a task. So she just had to trust him. Then, a meeting was called and everyone was brought to the meeting room.

"Where?" Multiple people asked

"I saw purple throw out Mary." Sarina explained and everyone gasped

"What?" Shiloh asked

"I was standing right there and she just came up and threw her out." Sarina continued

"What?" Shiloh asked again

"I saw it with my own eyes." Sarina continued

"What?" Micah asked

"That's what I was gonna say!" Shiloh looked at him

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