(One last kiss)

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(Valerie wears this at the M

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(Valerie wears this at the M.O.M headquarters)

They all arrived back at the M.O.M headquarters and got changed out of their onesies. Valerie walked over to the Arxis after being called over about a technical issue. She looked underneath the desk at the wires for the problem.

"Oh, Tom!" Valerie called out, coming out from under the table with a broken wire in hand.

Tom, the technician at that station, made his way over quickly, "Did you find the problem?"

"Be more careful with the wires." Valerie held it up for him

"Oh, right, thank you." Tom, rather sheepishly, took the broken wire piece from Valerie.

"I'm going to my room now." Valerie smiled and ruffled Tom's brown hair before walking off. She walked into her room and picked up a wire, which she plugged into her arm. Her green veins started to look like normal veins after that so she pulled the wire out.

"Val? Can I come in?" Shiloh asked from the other side of the door

"Yeah. Come in." Valerie nodded, leaning back against her desk

Shiloh walked into the room and shut the door behind her. "Did it work?"

"No. We need to go to some other Raelos and get some more artefacts. These ones aren't enough to power it." Valerie shook her head, then looked at her forearm

"I'm sorry." Shiloh indicated to Valerie's arm

"Hey, you win some, you loose some." Valerie gave Shiloh a reassuring smile before walking to the door

"Where are you going?" Shiloh asked

"To see what I can do to the machine to get it to work." Valerie walked out the door. She walked into a different wing of the headquarters and bumped into Elijah.

"Oh- Valerie- I-." Elijah stuttered, "About what happened in the Raelo-."

Valerie cut Elijah off by kissing him. He held onto her waist and deepened the kiss, moving one hand to her cheek.

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