Human chess in real life

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Marcus sat on his throne and smirked when the group walked into the room-ish-thing. "Showtime." He mumbled and the wall rebuilt itself behind the group. "Now, Shiloh, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You know what we're here for." Shiloh stepped forward. "Give him back!"

A part of the wall behind Marcus broke apart and another wall was built like some sort of prison, with Elijah inside it.

"Guys!" Elijah yelled

"Elijah!" Judah and Valerie yelled

"You want him back?" Marcus asked. A chess piece forming in his hand. "I challenge you to a game of chess. The winner keeps him."

Valerie looked at the chess piece in his hand, it turned into a figure of a king instead of a chess piece before disappearing. She looked back at his face, something so strangely familiar about him, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was exactly.

"No! Leave me, he's gonna-!" Elijah yelled, but the space in the box he was using to talk through got closed off.

An apple fell and landed in Marcus' hand.

Judah scoffed. "You think you're intimidating by pulling an apple out of thin air? Well, that's not impressive."

So Marcus pulled out some underwear with carrots on them. Judah gasped and tapped at his waist. "That's not the only thing he can pull from thin air..."

Valerie rolled her eyes, and Marcus's attention landed on her.

"Valerie..?" He murmured

"You know me?" Valerie stepped forward, but Shiloh grabbed her arm.

Marcus raised his hand and the Princess chess piece Valerie found floated out from the top of her black shirt, disconnecting from the chain she used to keep it around her neck.

"What was that?" Shiloh asked Valerie

"Yes, I do know you." Marcus mumbled

"How? I mean, I've been to this Raelo before, but you weren't there." Valerie said

"I have answers you need." Marcus told her

"Tell me." Valerie stepped forward again

Marcus looked at her, as if he actually felt bad about what he was to do next. Valerie was teleported to be standing on the queen space on Marcus' side of the board.

"What's going on?" Valerie stepped back, but couldn't get off the square.

"Valerie!" Micah stepped forward

"To get your answers, you must play the game." He threw the Princess piece back at her and she caught it.

She turned it over in hand, looking at the scruffy white paint job. Then she looked back up at the others. "You guys need to play, and win. Judah's played against Elijah, have him be the king."

And just like that, the board was morphed to have players and pieces. The others were posing as pieces, with Shiloh and Judah as the king and queen. Valerie looked down and saw that she was in a white dress, as well as a white crown on her head and a sceptre in hand.

"Remember, take out the king to win." Marcus explained. "Any questions?"

Cole raised his hand. "Yeah, how does the knight move?" And everyone groaned

"You know that no one knows how to explain it!" Valerie told him.

"Why would you ask that?" The white knight asked

"It's like a circle!" The white bishop said

"Just move to whatever square is highlighted." Valerie said

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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