Chapter 26 : The Fury of Giant Bear

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Moscow, Soviet Union, Days 3, Month 1, 1640

"The General Secretary's press conference will begin momentarily"

All Soviet citizens knew about the horrendous massacre that took place in MS Lenin. The Parpaldia Empire's brutality was not limited to the Soviet Union, they also terrorized countries known to be friendly with the Soviet Union including the NCP countries. Normally, this behavior would result in war, but the aggressor was the Parpaldia Empire. No matter how many countries outside the civilized areas they provoked, a superpower's national power was insurmountable. If it was only around 200 citizens, these weaker countries simply had to close their eyes to it

But, this time the victim was the the Soviet Union, Because the empire was so cocksure of their power, they may have miscalculated. Diplomats from various countries including from the NCP countries were all gathered in the Soviet Union with their eyes glued on a television

Clap clap clap clap...

The General Secretary Vasily Zhukov appeared, dressed in a suit, to the sound of camera shutters snapping. His expression was severe with no trace of humor. gone was his cheerful face that commonly seen by Soviet citizens, replaced by his unusual cold and emotionless face, When the General Secretary indicated that he was about to begin his address, the restless atmosphere gave way to complete silence. He waited a moment before speaking

"Здравствуйте Товарищи, Citizens of the Soviet Union, as I am sure you have heard, the MS Lenin Cruise ships, who brought remaining 200 innocent Soviet citizens from Awan back to our Motherland were captured by the imperialist Parpaldians. 200 of our Soviet citizens we trying to save were captured by the Parpaldians

Our officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately appealed to the Parpaldia Empire for their release, reasoning that they were just simple tourists, but those Parpaldians... unbelievably, chose to cruelly execute our beloved Soviet citizens instead, we cannot condone this extreme act of brutality, their act is just like the Nazis, The perpetrators of this act of inhumanity will be made to pay for their sins!!! Just like we did it with the Nazis scums in the Great Patriotic War!!

If the Parpaldia Empire is left alone and they defeat Fenn's army and then they continued to invade their neighboring countries with their imperialist ways, is our beloved Motherland their next target? Yes, They are planning to invade our beloved Motherland and enslave our beloved citizens, just like the Nazis did in World War II, The Soviet government has the responsibility of protecting both the USSR and its citizens. In addition, our ally, the Kingdom of Fenn, has been occupied against their will, and we cannot turn a blind eye simply because their country is not our own country. We will always believe, within our peace-loving nation, that peaceful negotiations are the ideal way to resolve problems

However, for invaders who are unwilling to listen to reason, we have no choice but to be firm and drive them out!!! just like we got rid of the Nazis scums from our beloved Motherland in the Great Patriotic War!!

Our Motherland and our ally Fenn stand together, united, and both share the desire to protect all of our beloved citizens from those who have invaded Fenn!!

By my authority as the General Secretary of the CPSU as well as Supreme Commander-in-chief of the Soviet Armed Forces, I hereby command all branches of the Soviet Armed Forces: use any means necessary to protect the lives of our beloved citizens and rid the Kingdom of Fenn of all invaders from the Parpaldians as well as carry out Special Military Operations to demilitarize Parpaldia!! WE WILL WIN AND WILL PREVAIL!! LONG LIVE THE MOTHERLAND!! LONG LIVE THE SOVIET UNION!! URAAA!!!"

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