Chapter 32 : The Night before the Counterattack

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Central Calendar Day 4 Month 2 Year 1640 ( 2025 ), in a hotel room somewhere in Moscow, Soviet Union

Technical Officer Myrus and Tactical Officer Lassan of Mu were chatting with each other. On board the Slava-class guided-missiles cruisers SN Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya as observers, they experienced the greatest shock of their lives during the mission to measure Soviet strength. First of all, the cannon’s firing rate and accuracy. Despite the ship’s swaying, the waves in the ocean, and the enemy ships’ movements, as far as they could tell with their own eyes, Soviet hit rate was 100%.

According to one of the books they bought in the Soviet Union that they had been translating, the guns used a stabilizing technology known as “Fire-control system/FCS” to instantly process the target’s relative speed, the shell’s speed and trajectory, and the enemy’s future position when the gun was fired. Unbelievably, this system could also be used to hit airborne targets

Furthermore, the book made mention of a number of other ridiculous weapons that they wouldn’t be able to observe during this mission. A ship that could dive into the water called a “submarine”, a weapon that had an effective range of over 100 km called a “guided missile” and a weapon that swam underneath the ocean called a “torpedo” All of these different weapons had been completely unimaginable to them. And even if Mu were to devote all of its technological resources, they couldn’t possibly build any of them. And the overwhelming power that Mu saw this time wasn’t even a fraction of the might that the Soviet Union had at its disposal. They now knew that Mu did not have any technical superiority whatsoever

While the two officers were wary of Soviet hidden power, they were also relieved that Mu was on friendly terms with the Soviet Union. After seeing all this strength and technology, through imports and exports, Mu might be able to develop countermeasures for the Gra Valkas Empire

Lassan: Myrus, how do you see the Soviet Union?

Myrus:vWhat do you mean ‘how’? In terms of technology, they’re way too far ahead of us. There are just too many things I just don’t understand here. Especially this LSI integrated circuits thing and this high-performance computing device they called a ‘computer’ I can’t even begin to understand the theory behind them

Lassan: I see. What surprises me the most is how different our very concepts of war and combat are. To put it simply, our navy could easily rout Papaldia’s navy, but, against the Soviet Union, we would end up the same as Papaldia’s navy ended up in that last battle. We simply have no way to outspend the Soviet Union on weaponry

Myrus: Haah…

They both sighed. The atmosphere felt heavy

Myrus: Still, Lassan, we did get a good harvest.

Lassan: What do you mean?

Myrus: We understand the concept behind their weapons, so we have a rough map to follow. For weapons we never thought of like guided-missiles, even though we don't understand the guided-missiles concept completely, even if they’re laughably slow compared to Soviet’s, I think we do have the capability of making simple ones. If we continue our current relations with the Soviet Union, I can see our country surpassing the Holy Mirishial Empire in the long term

Lassan: Interesting. By the way, what are your thoughts on the Gra Valkas Empire?

Myrus: I don’t know. We don’t have enough information on them, except that we’re both nations of science. Right now, I think they’re about 50 years ahead of Mu, technologically speaking. They’re probably continuing to advance, too… we don’t know anything about their national power, so I have no idea how we measure up to them

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