Chapter 46 : Unlocking the World

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Central Calendar Day 16 Month 3 Year 1640 (2025), Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs Buildings in Minsk, Lenin street 19

The Soviet Ministry of Foreign affairs was hosting the delegation from the Holy Mirishial Empire, holding a kind of cultural exchange session prior to starting diplomatic negotiations. Currently, they were being shown a video from a projector giving an overview of the Soviet Union

The video covered a wide range of topics including nature, Soviet culture in each republics, construction technology, and many other topics

Even some Soviet songs were also played to entertain the Mirishial diplomats and show that the Soviet Union had songs that represented its culture

Several Soviet songs played with a purpose to represented it's history in a war

Silence, performed by Denis Maydanov

Farewell of Slavianka, performed by Dina Garipova and Alexandrov Esemble

Several Soviet songs played with a purpose to represented it's roles are in romantic and other things

Kimi Datta Kara, performed by the Nakano Quintuplets with the help from Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR or also called as the the Red Army Band

( A/N: the info about this Japanese songs that performed with the help from the Red Army Band is just fiction bro, don't take it seriously )


March of Enthusiast

( A/N: I don't know if you all readers feel comfortable or uncomfortable hearing these songs, you can tell me in the comments bro )

While also this is also aimed to diverting the attention of the Mirishial diplomats from asking about military matters

Baically, they were being inundated with innocuous information. Anything about the military was put off for later in order to minimize the risk of leaking defense technology or information

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