Chapter 36 : The Decline of A Superpower (Soviet-Parpaldian War 2)

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Central Calendar Day 15 Month 2 Year 1640 (2025), Soviet Union, Moscow, Main Building of the Ministry of Defense

In a room in Main Building of the Ministry of Defense, the Soviet General Secretary Vasily Zhukov was receiving a briefing on the strategy being used for the war with the Parpaldia Empire from the Soviet Ministry of Defense

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In a room in Main Building of the Ministry of Defense, the Soviet General Secretary Vasily Zhukov was receiving a briefing on the strategy being used for the war with the Parpaldia Empire from the Soviet Ministry of Defense

Gerasimov: I will now outline our strategy, Comrade General Secretary

A hologram was turned on, showing a map of the imperial capital Esthirant and the surrounding areas. A laser pointer was used to assist with the explanation. The Parpaldia Empire was far away from the Soviet Union, but it was very close to Socialist People's Republic of Altarus

Gerasimov: This relies on the modifications to Mu’s airfield in Socialist People's Republic of Altarus being completed for us to use as a military base, but…

Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov circled an area a bit north of Esthirant

Gerasimov: There is a very large enemy base here. Fortunately for us, the Parpaldia Empire has a tendency of building their forts and bases far from their cities. The fact that they concentrate all their forces in once place leads us to believe they’re completely unfamiliar with our style of modern warfare. Papaldia has three of these large military bases; the one here appears to be the cornerstone of the capital’s defenses, this base has a fair amount of aerial combat power; we’ve confirmed wyverns. In addition, at Esthirant’s southern port, there are a few hundred ships-of-the-line anchored there. As expected of the famed conquerors of the Third Civilization, their fleet would probably make the 19th century British Empire quake in their boots..

Then Gerasimov took his drink and drank it and then continued his explanation

Gerasimov: For the ships at the port, 1st Khrushchev Carrier Battle Group should be sufficient; for the ground bases, we’ll send a large number of Sukhoi Su-35S air superiority jets and Tu-22M3M bombers to conduct large scale bombing with KAB-1500S-E guided-bomb, that should wipe them out, of course they will be escorted by Beriev A-100 AWACS and Mikoyan Mig-35S

Zhukov: Hmmm, I see, next?

Gerasimov: Yes, After the capital’s ground bases are all eliminated, the TU-22M3M bombing squadron will quickly change course and execute another bombing run on the ground base north of the industrial city of Duro. After that base is destroyed, we’ll hit the factories that support the empire’s armed forces to render them unusable and destroy the bridge to Duro too, Finally, We will take back the MS Lenin which is still in Duro's port by deploying special Spetsnaz forces and 1st Khrushchev Carrier Battle Group will be dispatched again to deal with the ships-of-the-line at Duro’s port, Comrade General Secretary

Zhukov: I understand

Gerasimov: That is the outline for the first stage. The second stage depends on the resulting diplomatic situation, so it will be explained at a later date, Comrade General Secretary

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