Chapter 63 : War Comes to the West

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Central Calendar Day 10 Month 7 Year 1642, Castle Albion, Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire

Standing on the apex of magical—and global, for that matter—civilization was the Holy Mirishial Empire, and on top of the empire sat its proverbial golden crown of glory: the imperial capital of Runepolis. Skyscrapers with sleek white surfaces towering more than 50m above the ground dominate the skyline while uniformly paved roads crisscross on the ground. Magical engine automobiles and trains come and go, their bright, artificial lighting providing a scene at night reminiscent of a sea of gems, which also earned it its epitaph among the peoples of the new world as “the city that never sleeps.” First-timers to the capital and seasoned visitors alike gawk at the breathtaking splendor of what may as well be considered paradise

Positioned right at the heart of this magnificent city was Castle Albion, the imperial palace and dwelling place of His Highness, Emperor Mirishial VIII, where a meeting that would decide the empire’s fate was about to commence. Known as the imperial audience, the names of the empire’s most important people knelt on one knee as soon as they heard the sound of footsteps, for they knew who it belonged to. As soon as the most powerful man on the planet took his seat, they all took their own seats after him

Mirishial Chancellor: We will now commence the emergency imperial audience! Firstly, a few words from His Highness!

After confirming the attendance of all the empire’s ministers and important names, the chancellor commenced the meeting. At his remark, the aged elven man at the center of everyone’s attention began to speak.

Mirishial VIII: My… fury… remains unquenched. It is a rage that is beyond description, but it is so great that it will never be satisfied, even if I were to tear down this castle brick by brick

His cool yet clearly enraged tone reverberated around the room, sending chilly sensations down the backs of everyone in attendance. Sweat started to accumulate on their foreheads and backs. They all know that the emperor’s anger is absolute. The 0th Magic Fleet, the navy’s primary strike force, lay at the bottom of the sea and the Conference of the Elite Eleven, held in one of their most prestigious cities, was rudely interrupted. A ragtag coalition force assembled with other participant countries was also annihilated. Above all, a supposedly impossible air raid on the homeland in a historical first, leading to 100 civilians dead and 2,000 wounded (although no one wants to admit it, their hubris of underestimating the Gra Valkas Empire meant that no one bothered to even issue an evacuation order). It was a damning series of events, one that unapologetically smeared dirt on the empire’s face

Mirishial VIII: That nation… they dared to massacre our beloved people, lay waste to the city of Cartalpas, and soil the name of the longstanding empire… So it seems that ever since those ungrateful swine appeared on the face of this world, all they’ve done is look down on us! As the magnanimous sovereign of the empire that holds this world at the palm of its hands, I declare that the Gra Valkas Empire, a nation of filthy and unruly barbarians that only know violence and destruction, are to be punished at the highest order!!!

In his wrath, the voice of the emperor grew disheveled.

This man, who sat on the throne at the top of the world, knew well to conduct himself appropriately. On top of pursuing peaceful coexistence with their neighbors and even the countries outside the civilized areas, he never resorts to the threat of force. He has earned the monicker of the “Wise Sovereign” for his consistent behavior in being calm and collected. Partially thanks to his lack of emotional outburst, everyone in attendance cowered before his unprecedented show of fury.

Mirishial VIII: Starting with the empire, we will extend the invitation to every country with the capability to partake in the formation of a new force I call the ‘Global United Front,’ the objective of which is to destroy the Gra Valkan fleet that guards the waters of Leifor! Every able country that partakes in this naval mission is to also send ground forces to Mu, where they will systematically destroy and force those barbaric swine out of the Second Civilization Area! Once these two objectives are met, the Global United Front will move on to their mainland and reduce their capital to ashes!!! Commence the meeting!

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