Chapter 45 : Respective Investigation, Forward!

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Soviet Union, Moscow, Ministry of Defense, 3rd Central Research Institute of the Soviet Defence Ministry

Sergey Tikhanov and Georgy Zhiltsov from the 3rd Central Research Institute of the Soviet Defence Ministry Institute were reviewing the investigation documents regarding weaponry used in this world

Tikhanov: First off is the wyvern, the primary aerial weapon here, Comrade Zhiltsov

Tikhanov said to his boss, Zhiltsov, while flipping through the materials

Tikhanov: When a wyvern spits fire, it looks like they're activating fire magic, but actually, for guided fire blasts, they're first producing a viscous, combustible chemical inside their bodies, then combining it with both fire and wind magic. The wind wraps around a mixture of flame and the chemical compound. Then, in order to fire it, the wyvern stretches out its neck, creating a straight line from its torso to its mouth opening

Zhiltsov: Then they can't turn around and shoot behind them?

Tikhanov: It would be possible to emit simple flames in that manner, but yes, they can only shoot fire blasts directly in front, Comrade Zhiltsov

Zhiltsov: That's oddly inconvenient

Tikhanov: Yes, indeed; they're rather delicate creatures, they fall ill easily, and they poop a lot as well. They can exhaust themselves during aerial combat, and they're unable to shoot consecutive fire blasts. They may be beneficial when providing support during ground combat, but, with regards to air control, they're quite useless

Zhiltsov: What about weapons for infantry?

Tikhanov: Right, in the war with the former kingdom of Louria, compared to the 'civilized areas' as they're called, their military capabilities were considered to be high. However, their main armaments were swords and bows, so we have nothing to gain from that analysis. As for the Third Civilization's Papaldia Empire, while they were considered a 'world superpower,' they were only using flintlock-type muskets. Using Earth as a yardstick, they'd be around the 1620's, just like we had those back then in 1620s, at the level of antiques. Bullet speed, hit rate, reload time, they're all far below modern standards and pose very little threat to our armed forces. Of course, if they do hit, they can still kill a person, so it's necessary to be appropriately cautious around them. However, even if we see them as antiques, to the countries around them, the empire was still considered remarkably advanced, technologically speaking. Regardless, despite the fact that we've only had overwhelming victories to date, in order to minimize damage, I think it would be best for us not to get too conceited

Tikhanov: However, what was most surprising about the Parpaldia Empire was their possession of dragon carriers and ships-of-the-line. The cannons on their ships clearly displayed destructive power on the level of the 19th century, and the concept of using ships to transport and supply wyverns is an idea from the first half of the 20th century. If they had fought instead against the British Empire or Japanese Empire from the early Meiji era, they might have won. If we theorize that the universe's error margin might be around a couple hundred years worth of advancement, we ended up hitting the jackpot

The fact that the Soviet Union had such an advantage due to their level of civilization reassured the two men. After completing their investigation of the Papaldia Empire, they moved on next to discuss the Holy Mirishial Empire

Zhiltsov: What do you think of the Holy Mirishial Empire? They're considered the strongest country in this area of the world

Tikhanov: They leaned on magic to develop weapons we just don't understand, so I don't really have anything to say. We need to do a lot more research. Mirishial has the '0th magic fleet,' said to be the strongest force in the world. A pretty ostentatious name, if you ask me. Their threat level is unknown, but we know they're about as large as ships from World War II, and we have photos showing that they're equipped with what look like cannons. If we were to go up against them, I'd say we should use modern warfare strategies, but we need to be extremely careful

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