Chapter 59 : Side Story - Forgotten World

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( A/N: This is side story bro, but this times, in LN there are fucking more than 7 chapters for just this Arc, and i decided to incorporate 2-4 chapters into one chapter and the other chapters in another chapter, and btw this side story happened in 1640 where Soviet Union still in the war against Parpaldia Empire, before the New World War Arc began, Well enjoy the new chapters! )


This story starts in a time more than 10,000 years ago

Parting ways with the 4 great heroes after being unable to withstand the harshness of the Grameus continent, several men and women turned their backs on their journey. However, they lost the route back home, and so they kept close to the mountains. Then, whether it was due to luck or divine intervention, they stumbled upon a land rich with fertile soil and plentiful freshwater sources, a place which has all they needed to survive. While it was unfortunate that they couldn't return home, these men and women decided to settle down on that land

Beating back countless incursions by magical beasts, monsters, and demons, and narrowly achieving victories against them, they were able to carve a nation for themselves deep in the mountains, and slowly but surely, they thrived into a civilization. The oaths they had pledged to escort the 4 great heroes that they never fulfilled was passed down through oral tradition, which became myth after later being written down on beastskin paper

In time, the myths of this kingdom would be what propels it forward, into a future dominated by the kingdom's name: Esperanto

Central Calendar Day 15 Month 2 Year 1640, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics, Moscow, Soviet Union

Mikhail: A land to the north of Topa that couldn't be observed?

It all started from several pictures taken by their satellites

Satellites launched by Soyuzcosmos back then already captured roughly 100% of the planet's surface in a span of a few days, after which the data was relayed to every institution for study

Razin: Yes... Known colloquially as "Grameus"continent, particularly its center, for some reason obscured by a thick layer of black fog...

One of the Soyuzcosmos personnel tilted his head to the side in confusion as he looked through the photographs. Starting from Topa's eastern regions, the photographs started to get darker and darker as the satellite progressed northwards, at which point it gets pitch black once it enters the arctic circle

Mikhail: If it's a region that doesn't receive sunlight, then the oceans should be equally as dark, but... As you can see, the rate of absorption of light is even higher than the surrounding oceans. Is this even possible?

Razin: Nope, at least not usually. This is definitely a problem

Mikhail: Mhm..

It has only been roughly a year since they got transferred to this world. While it was natural for many parts of it to remain unknown, a secondary explanation for what would have surely defied the natural laws back on Earth exists in this one: magic

Razin: There's one more thing. Look at this

The photo pointed out by the Soyuzcosmos personnel was a picture taken at night. Displayed on it was a continent that was eerily darker than even the darkest of nights. However, there was one thing that stood out...

Mikhail: Lights?

Razin: Artificial lights at that. It's certainly very faint, but it appears that there's a civilization there

Mikhail: A nation perhaps? It's hard to tell from this photo alone... If that is really the case, we need to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of course, Comrade General Secretary

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