Chapter 57 : The Pride of the Powerful (6)

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The rumble of the star-shaped engines could be heard throughout the battlefield. Every person who looked up and saw the Gra Valkan airplanes racing across the sky felt a shiver of fear. Normally, just seeing them wouldn't have inspired any particular emotion. However, this was an extraordinary situation-this wasn't just anywhere, but the airspace above the Holy Mirishial Empire's port town of Cartalpas

???: Here they come again!!!

Someone cried, As the planes dived down, the Doppler effect caused the sound of their piston engines to drastically rise in pitch, multiplying the amount of terror felt by those who heard it. These citizens, having never been victim to an attack themselves, ran through the town in a panic, trying to escape.

???: Aaaaagh-!!!

A woman's scream accompanied the bedlam; people who had fallen to the ground were trampled by the crowds. This was the first time since Mirishial had been founded that they were experiencing an "air raid." Bombs fell out of the sky, flames danced all around the Imperial Cultural Center, bullets were sprayed everywhere, and explosions toppled homes

Their only defense, the anti-air magic light cannons, was simply ineffectual. Mirishial, subjected to its first air raid in history, had been scarred with horror and humiliation

Port town Cartalpas, southern strait

The world had never seen a ship this size before, and it thundered with every cannon blast, bringing about destruction and ruin

"Enemy ship has fired! We're still not in firing range!!!"

The panicked shriek echoed on the bridge of the proud Mu flagship La Kasami. The enemy's aerial attacks had sunk many of their ships, starting with the armored cruiser La Bihaku. Even at top speed, they could only fire one attack at the enemy, so they sped along at 18 knots. The 15,000-horsepower engine wailed as massive clouds of smoke burbled from the ship's two smokestacks.

Fleet Commander: In any case... I still cannot believe that the Soviet fleet managed to sunk the Grade Atlastar's escort ships but where is the hell is the other two Soviet warships? That two Soviet warships disappear like a dust but one of the Soviet warship was felled in a single attack...

The fleet commander felt cold sweat trickle down his back

Citras: According to our intelligence department, Soviet warships have unparalleled anti-air and anti-ships capabilities. The only conclusion I can come to is... that giant enemy battleship is just way too strong or the Soviet fleet which lacked ammunition to sink giant enemy battleships. Soviet Union may have had zero casualties in their war with the Parpaldia Empire, but the Gra Valkas Empire also decimated Leifor with only a single battleship. That same ship is now here before our very eyes

Executive Officer Citras clenched his fists tightly, his nails stabbing into his palms and causing fresh blood to drip to the floor


The battleship La Kasami was rocked violently by an explosion. The center of the ship had been struck by the super dreadnought Grade Atlastar's secondary gun, a 15.5 cm 60 caliber triple turret

XO: Damage report!!!

The XO yelled; he had hit his head from the shaking, and it was now bleeding

XO: ?!?! Navigation is down! We... We can't slow down!!!

They had no idea where the damage was, but they couldn't steer or decelerate the ship, and it wandered off course. Mu's battleship La Kasami charged toward land and ended up being grounded on a reef

Super dreadnought Grade Atlastar

Boasting the greatest size and power in both their previous world and this one, the Gra Valkas Empire's pride and joy, the super dreadnought Grade Atlastar, continued to sow mayhem and destruction. In the waters before them, the "elites" of this world's "most powerful countries," both feared and revered, flailed helplessly in defeat; some boats had gone up in flames, while others drifted on the surface of the ocean as little more than piles of wreckage. It was the very picture of Hell

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