15 - stupid encounter?

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I was walking home with two plushies in my hand, after those girls found us, Zike straight up ran after them and never looked back, he didn't even come back for me?! He's definitely not the perfect guy

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I was walking home with two plushies in my hand, after those girls found us, Zike straight up ran after them and never looked back, he didn't even come back for me?! He's definitely not the perfect guy.

He wasn't from the beginning anyway.

"Ah shit."

My head shot up at the appealing and airy voice, there stood a man before me, covered in what I believe blood splatters, his dark brown hair was a mess, as if someone had a hair pulling contest with him.

I'll just pretend theres no blood since he's hot as fuck.

"Um, excuse me? Can you please move? I'm trying to pass" I mustered up the most kind tone I could have and pulled out one of my sweet smiles.

"Oh! Yes of course! wait..-" He turned around, his eyes now narrowed, trailing and scanning every single part of my body which made me grip the cushions in my hand uncomfortably to the point my knuckles went white and my fingers started to tremble.

I take back what I said about the fact he's hot, he's weird as fuck.

"Hey, its you." He flashed me a fake smile and tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowed to the point I cannot see his pupils anymore, "I know you," He pointed out making me suck in a sharp breath.

I don't fucking know this man, someone help?

"Your the one who stole my future husbands" His smile dropped into a scowl and he was glaring at me, like daggers glare.

"Listen here bitch, they were supposed to be mine but you interfered and stole them away from me with your scrawny looking ass. I swear if I had the chance I would jab your face right onto this concrete, might as well do it now to save time?" He sent another weird smile my way and inched closer.

"Um, I really dont know you.."

Confusion clearly filled my face because the next thing I know, he laughed like a maniac and gripped the back of my hair, "Ow what the fuck!" I held his hands and started to scratch on them, if i'm not getting out, then I might as well fight back.

"Oh it would be a shame to ruin a pretty face like yours, they wouldn't like you no mor-"

"Thanks, I know." I interrupted him, FUCKING BULLSHIT,  a cheeky grin stretching across my face and sending another scowl to his,  "Oh you fucking bitch"

"If your gonna have two faces atleast make one pretty" I smiled innocently at him, his eyes widened in anger as he started to stomp over to a metal railing, gripping the back of my head tighter he raised my head upwards just about to jab my face.

"Wait! Woah woah- I forgot to tell you something real quick" I quickly tried to reason with him and i'm glad I did because this is worth it.

I kicked his crotch in one swift motion, really hard to the point i heard a crack noise, "Fuck!" He yelled, deafening my ears, he cupped his crotch slouching.

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