ONE, thirteen

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LEXA HAD LEFT CLASS QUICKLY, ushering Harper to her car

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LEXA HAD LEFT CLASS QUICKLY, ushering Harper to her car. She'd insisted she'd drop her off instead of catching bus and Harper thanked her for it.

She knew Spider wanted to ask her what happened or what was wrong, but she didn't feel like addressing any of it. He'd tried to flag her down, but Lexa and Harper had turned their backs.

Lexa almost smiled when she thought the footsteps behind her were Spider.

"Lexie, wait up," She nearly cringed at hearing Dusty call her that again, he only ever did it when she was mad at him — it used to make her melt. Lexa spun around to Dusty clutching her backpack, "You're not waiting for Harper?"

"I'll catch you later yeah?" He sent a nod to Harper who nudged Lexa; she headed toward Lexa's passenger seat and shut the door as the girl and her new lover stood ahead of the car.

"What's up with you?" Lexa grinned, "If you're wanting to dedicate another song, wait till there's a crowd."

"Ah," Dusty smiled back, "Still harping on that even after class the other day?"

"Nah, I just thought of the dig after we spoke," She sighed, "Couldn't waste it. Was it good?"

"It landed," He tilted his head side to side, clearing his throat after, "Hey uh, I just... I kinda figured you and Spider are hanging out more-"

"How'd you get to that conclusion?" She said, crossing her arms. Dusty sniffled despite knowing exactly what he was going to say, "You guys just seem closer. Glad uh he's looking after you. Guess I'm just checking who else might be... O-Or is he it?"

"Curling iron accident," Lexa referenced the spot on her neck. She was amused though, amused that Dusty just couldn't fathom it was Spider; or at least, that's what she believed, "How come you haven't marked your territory on Harper yet?"

"I'm not like that," He threw his arms up, Lexa rolling her eyes in face of it, "Please. You love that shit."

"Ah, you know me so well!" Dusty remarked. She blinked her eyes quickly, "Did you have a point to this or just acting weird?"

"You dodged me the other night, just wanted to make sure we're cool," Dusty said, "Didn't think we'd gone 100 to 0, over here."

"Well, when you go 0 to 100 with someone else-"

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" He rebutted and Lexa simply sent him a sharp smile, "For cheating or for ditching you for a link the other night?"

Dusty bit the inside of his cheeks, "Glad all of this got you to be a truth teller."

"What's it any of your business whether I tell the truth or not? We broke up."

"Didnt think it'd last this long," Dusty cut it with a laugh, "Or that you'd actually get with Spider again, I mean, Lex, giving him false hope like that is fucked."

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