Logan's Version (scene 8) - Road dial trip

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The scene opens with Danny sitting dejected by himself on the couch
Danny: (exhales in frustration, to himself) Life is like a banana (holds a banana) so hard, yet feels so soft (laugh track)
Drea: (happily walks in with a broken steering wheel) Danny, look at this cool stuff I found in the room. We can use it to drive a pretend car here in the living room
Danny: (slowly turns to face Drea) No can do, Drea. I don't feel like it.
(Meanwhile, Logan & Zoey are watching from a distance in wonder. The kids are unaware they are being watched)
Zoey: Danny looks as depressed as that broken doll I got on my 7th birthday. We can't return him like this (laugh track)
Logan: He's fine. I mean, he hasn't made any inspirational jokes yet
Danny: (to Drea) What's the use? When life drives you over the edge anyway?
Logan: (alarmed) Over the edge?! He ain't even sitting right! (Danny is seating at the edge of the couch. Laugh track is heard soon enough, as Logan starts to worry dramatically) My Danny ain't here, Zoey. We gotta bring him back from the edge (laugh track)
Zoey: (scoffs) Oh, quit being a drama king. Just watch. (walks to the couch and sits near Danny, hails) Big Dan with da dimples! Is everything fine?
Logan: That's your nickname for him?
Zoey: Yes, it's better than Lil Phantom. Are u trying to get ghosted by the actual Danny Phantom? (laugh track)
Danny: Miss Zoey, I've been feeling sad lately. Because Jesse is out of town. We were supposed to break the big jug in the kitchen by accident, but he just had to go (laugh track)
Logan: (annoyed) Excuse me?
Zoey: (interrupts) Danny, look. It's OK to be sad; it happens to everyone, and he'll be back soon. (Smiles) In fact, I have the perfect solution to your problem (announces) A road trip!
Logan: (sarcastic) U want to take him on the road, which is the reason for his depression? Is this one of the things u learned from your reverse psychology classes, cuz I don't get it (laugh track)
Zoey: (proudly) I was told it always works in TV shows
Logan: (loudly) We are literally in a written one (laugh track)
Zoey: Whatever. Besides, the road will be like his way of having an (slowly to Danny) adventure (winks so that Danny gets the point)
Danny: (lights up, smiles with dimples) Yes! I love adventures. Thanks, Miss Zoey. (Energetic) Big Dan with da dimples is going on a road trip! (Runs off to the room)
Zoey: He used my nickname for him (smirks at Logan, who rolls his eyes, amidst laugh track). I'll call Mikey so he can join us. This is gonna be so much fun
Drea: (confused) What about my steering wheel?
Logan: U can bring it along, anything to keep the two of u distracted (leaves the living room, as laugh track plays)
Zoey: (yells out) We can ask Mikey to drive!
Logan: (replies) No, we can not ask Mikey. He is a bad driver!
Zoey: Relax, Mikey's driving isn't that bad...
(Mikey is driving the car recklessly, with a horrified Logan holding himself to the chair and Zoey trying to hold Drea and Danny steadily - the latter somewhat enjoying the drive and yelling enthusiastically.)
Logan: (yelling) Mikey! Left! (Mikey swerves left) Turn this way, that's someone's dog!
Mikey: I'm driving at a very perfect speed
Logan: Yeah! The perfect speed for an action movie (laugh track. A chicken is thrown upward from hitting the car, much to their horror)
Drea: (scared and feeling dizzy) Uncle Mikey, stop. You're literally blowing my mind!
Zoey: (obviously annoyed, but too upset at the moment) Mikey, u said u could drive at a steady pace! There are innocent KIDS in this car!
Danny: (excitedly yelling) I dunno about u, but I'M LOVING THIS!! Thanks, Miss Zoey!
Zoey: (glares at Danny before saying) There's a sweet kid and a rough one that doesn't realize we could all get killed. I'm not ready to start explaining myself without any evidence (laugh track)
Mikey: Relax, I'm the master driver!
Logan: (points out) TREE! (A log breaks on the car bonnet just as Mikey misses hitting a police car while swerving. Soon enough, the police car drives behind them with their blaring sirens. Laugh track)
Danny: Awesome!
Zoey: Boy, shut ur mouth! (looks behind them) Pull OVER!
Mikey: Eazy (steers the car in such a way that the tire screech is so high-pitched, while everyone holds on to their seats. Luckily, they halt in time to pull over by the road, but not before hitting a random cat. It snarls as it is thrown off the bonnet)
Logan: (alarmed) Tell me we didn't hit the special effects cat from those TV shows (laugh track)
Danny: Why did u -
Zoey: (cuts in) Finish that statement, and I swear to God, u will literally fly home since that's what u want (Danny holds his lips amidst laugh track)
Logan: (as the police car gets closer) Zoey, do u see why we can't ask him to drive?
Zoey: For the first time in my life, yes. I agree (laugh track and applause, as scene ends with everyone in the car feeling worried and upset, while the police car almost catch up with them).

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