Logan's Version (scene 17) - Tracy's Version

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Logan and Zoey are sitting on the living room couch, going through their scripts in order to rehearse their lines for another movie project
Logan: (opening another page) Zoey, these aren't exactly hard. All you need is confidence and a touch of charisma.
Zoey: I know what charisma is. (turns to the next page) However, the word "charisma" according to you is never the same thing [laugh track].
Jesse: (enters the living room wearing sunglasses) Hello, everyone. [laugh track is heard as Zoey and Logan try to take in Jesse's new look]
Logan: Are you trying to be a cool nerd or be a vampire?
Jesse: (smiles with artificial fangs) Yes [laugh track].
Zoey: I do not get Jesse sometimes.
Jesse: (suddenly stares in the direction of the TV and freezes. There's a close-up of his right eye through the sunglasses, and a speeding green wave of light is shown. When it stops, he sees Tracy in the living room with a boy about his age).
[Tracy: Jesse, you have to tell Logan what's going on with your eyes. It's not normal...]
(The green light is shown again, followed by Jesse's eye, then the sunglasses, and finally, his face. Jesse's frozen face is soon filled with fear).
Logan: (to Zoey) We have to get going now. I can not afford to do the Logan thing to save our jobs again
Zoey: The Logan thing never saves anything. It's just a thing you gotta fix, boo [laugh track].
Logan: (rolls his eyes at Zoey but notices Jesse's worried look). Hey, big guy, Mikey will stay with u while we're out. We'll be back before you know it, OK?
Jesse: (concerned) Will it be just Mikey? 'Cause (pauses) I don't see him anytime soon.
Logan: You're been worried. (The doorbell rings, and Logan goes to open the door. It turns out Tracy and a young boy the same age as Jesse are at the door - with no Mikey in sight. Logan sighs in frustration). You're not Mikey.
Tracy: (smirks) And you're not The Weeknd, so we both lose [laugh track]. Can we come in?
Zoey: Come in, Tracy. But I thought you were coming with Mikey.
Logan/Jesse: (alarmed) You invited her?! [laugh track] (Zoey and Tracy stare at the two, but ignore them anyway)
Tracy: (walks in with the boy as Yes. And I had to change my mind. Mikey drives like a tiger. But I prefer when he drives like a tiger, than when he doesn't drive like a tiger. I mean, it's so easy to explain -
Logan: (closes Jesse's ears) It's very HARD to explain, especially when you got kids in the house [laugh track]. Speaking of kids, is this your little brother?
Tracy: Littlest brother, Alfred. I had to leave 5 of them at home, so I wouldn't give them an early leave [laugh track]. Also, don't you have to leave now, or do u wanna get one where you never return?
Logan/Zoey: (confused, then realize) We're late!
Logan: (Grabs the scripts) Jesse, be a good boy to Tracy. And Alfred, don't hurt Jesse, or I'll end you. [laugh track]
Zoey: Tracy, make yourself at home. If Jesse's mom asks, we're sisters. Bye! (The siblings leave before Tracy can say a word. Tracy closes the door).
Tracy: (turns to Alfred and Jesse) We're going to watch TV. Cause I don't have a job to go to at the moment. And Jesse, what's with the glasses? You look like Dracula's throwback [laugh track].
Alfred: (laughs loudly as he sits on the couch) That true, sis. (brings out a wrapped bag of chicken wings) You want some, big sis?
Tracy: You don't need to ask me that. U know I'm the queen of wings (sits on the couch beside Alfred. She turns to Jesse). Hey, Logan's kid, get me some water, will ya?
Jesse: (Proceeds to move, but freezes and stares into the distance. Once again, there is a close-up of Jesse's left pupil, followed by the speeding green light, which stops almost immediately. He sees Alfred coming out of the kitchen.)
[Alfred: (holding his right hand in pain) Oww.]
(The green light is shown again, followed by his left eye, and finally, his face. He quickly wears the sunglasses again).
Tracy: Jesse, is everything OK, kid? I asked you to get a bottle of water a minute ago.
Jesse: (Notices Alfred is not sitting with Tracy) Miss Tracy, Alfred will get hurt. He shouldn't go there (points toward the kitchen).
Tracy: Why? There's a bat there? [laugh track] (Just as she proceeds to eat another wing, the sound of a thud is heard, followed by the shattering of a plate. Soon enough, Alfred walks out of the kitchen, holding his right hand in pain)
Alfred: Oww. I hurt my hand. (Jesse goes to get toilet paper while Tracy brings out a tiny plaster from Alfred's bag. Jesse returns almost immediately).
Tracy: (uses the toilet paper to clean up the cut before putting a plaster. As Alfred sits on the couch, Tracy slowly takes Jesse to the door of the living room) I should listen to you more often, little guy. But how did you know?
Jesse: (grins nervously) Just by being cool?
Tracy: (unconvinced, she quickly removes the glasses and is stunned to see Jesse's left eye pupil glowing a dull green colour. Jesse is shocked at Tracy's action). I saw this last time. Jesse, what's going on?
Jesse: (he tries to explain) It all just kinda happened -
Tracy: (folds her arms) Not now, Henry [laugh track]
Jesse: (slowly) Liam took me to this science hall place for Spooky Fest. And when he did the Logan thing, he wanted to stop a wall from falling on me, but the cart he pushed got powder into my eyes. (sadly) But it's really cool to see everything now, and I didn't tell anyone about it.
Tracy: (concerned, but smiles lightly) Jesse, you have to tell Logan what's going on with your eyes. It's not normal. (pause) Not normal to keep to yourself [laugh track].
Jesse: (confused) What?
Tracy: (excitedly) You got the coolest thing in the world, and you didn't say so? Boy, we're going to use it for good and to help ourselves!
Jesse: (happily) Really?! Thanks, Miss Tracy!
Tracy: And you can tell Logan whenever you want, right after I hang out with my new favourite brother (hi-fives Jesse).
Alfred: (protests) I thought I'M your favourite brother!
Tracy: Alfred, there's 5 of you already. Don't make this harder for me! [laugh track] (turns to Jesse again) We're going to leave this place and see what we can do with this superpower of yours. Gimme something, Jesse Vamp!
Jesse: (stares into distance, followed by a close-up of his green-colored left pupil and the speeding green light. He sees a brown- haired, average height lady in her 20s, wearing a blue T shirt, black jeans, and heels. There's a big brown splash across her tummy area, and she is completely pissed off. Her name tag reads "Julia," implying she is in and works at a mall. He also sees Tracy looking at her with a smug smile)
[Julia: (angry) What have you done, you monster?!]
(Julia & Tracy seemingly disappear, thanks to the speeding green light, then Jesse's pupil and finally his face. Tracy still has an excited look, but Jesse looks at her in confusion).
Tracy: I don't like that face. What did you see?
Jesse: Who's Julia?
Tracy: (she smriks at the question - meaning she knows who Julia is) Don't worry about that! Dayumm, you good, little vamp! (hi-fives Jesse, who's grinning at the sorta compliment) [laugh track] (excitedly) Alfred, Jesse, we're going to bring down the enemy! Who wants to go on Tracy's Field Trip Version?!
Alfred/Jesse: I DO!! (Alfred quickly grabs his bag and runs toward Jesse & Tracy. The three quickly leave the house, but then Tracy rushes back to grab the plate of leftover chicken wings on the centre table).
Tracy: (faces the camera) We need this. For support [laugh track]. (Tracy and the boys leave immediately, the former locking the door behind her, as the scene comes to a close).

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