Chapter 4

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After Mateo had just sat through the most grueling class of his life, he went to find Scott and Stiles. He found them by Scott's locker talking to a girl.

"Dude, what the fuck is Harris' problem?" Mateo asked them as he walked over "I dropped my pen and he spent 5 minutes lecturing me"

Scott chuckled and closed his locker "Yeah, Mr. Harris is probably the worst teacher in this school. He has it out for Stiles"

"Really?" Mateo asked, turning to Stiles and finally laid eyes on the girl next to him.

She was possibly the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. She had brown hair that complimented her eyes perfectly, her smile was beautiful and Mateo could feel his heart beating at an alarming rate.

Scott bite his smile, hearing Mateo's heart rate "Oh, this is Stiles' twin sister, Maeve. She also knows about us" Scott introduced

"Hi" Mateo muttered "Uh- I'm Mateo"

"Nice to meet you" Maeve smiled "I gotta get to class, but I'll see you at tonight's game" She said to Scott and Stiles "Mateo, are you going?"

"Yeah" Mateo nodded, Maeve smiled before walking away

"My god, she's hot" Mateo breathed, leaning against the locker next to Scott's

"Dude" Stiles threw his arms in the air "That's my sister"

"Sorry" Mateo laughed "I sensed she's like us. Is she a werewolf too?"

Stiles shook his head "No, she's a witch"

"Oh, cool. My sisters are too" Mateo said

Scott frowned in confusion "I thought your sister was a werewolf"

"Yeah" Mateo nodded with a frown "She is. She's what they call a hybrid. My younger sister is just a witch"

Stiles let his jaw dropped before scoffing in excitement "I really wanna meet your family"

Mateo rolled his eyes with a smile "My older sister is fine, my younger sister is a descendant of Satan himself"

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During the lacrosse game, Derek texted Isabela to meet him at the pools inside the school, when she got there, she saw Derek and Erica interrogating Stiles

"Oh my god" Isabela mumbled as she walked into the pool area "Derek, you can't go around interrogating 16 year olds"

"Thank you!" Stiles yelled "Who are you?"

Isabela ignored him "What's going on?"

Erica smirked "We want to know what he saw at the mechanics"

"Uh- Derek wants to know, you're just his pet, shut up" Isabela pointed a finger at her, before turning to Derek "Dude, we gotta work on who you choose to be in you pack"

Derek gave her a look before looking back to Stiles

"Look that's all I saw okay? Can I go? Cause I have somebody I really need to talk to" Stiles said, earning a glare from Derek. Stiles groaned I annoyance "Um- all right, fine. Eyes were yellowish and slitted. It had a lot of teeth. Oh, and it's got a tail, too. Are we good?"

Isabela noticed Derek looking behind her and Stiles, when she turned around she jumped "Holy- God. That's so not okay" She mumbled, looking at the creature above her

Best Served Cold//𝒯ℯℯ𝓃 𝒲ℴ𝓁𝒻Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum