Chapter 6

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Elena ran down the stairs so fast she almost fell when she heard the doorbell "I'll get it!"

"No!" Mateo yelled from the top of the stairs, running down the stairs and crashing into Elena as she opened the door

Maeve stood with her hand covering her mouth as she saw Mateo and Elena on the floor in pain, Isabela stared at her siblings on the floor with her hands on her hips, disappointment written all over her face

Isabela rolled her eyes and walked to the front door and smiled at Maeve "Hi, Maeve, right? Come on in. You'll have to excuse my siblings" Isabela said, subtly kicking Mateo in the leg to get him to stand up "They share one brain cell" Isabela added before walking back into the kitchen

Mateo cleared his throat as he stood up and flashed Maeve an awkward smile "Hey"

"Hi!" Elena said excitedly, pushing Mateo out of the way "I'm Elena, Mateo said you're a witch? That's so cool! Because I am too, tell me. What kind of witch are you? I'm what they call 'The Naturals' which means I control the elements,  also I-"

Mateo cut the girl off by covering her mouth with his hand "She doesn't want to hear about that"

Elena rolled her eyes and pushed her hand into her stomach which sent Mateo flying, he landed on the hard floor and groaned as he sat up

"Anyway" Elena smiled at Maeve

"Elena" Isabela warned as she walked back into the living room where Mateo was still recovering from his recent flying adventures "Let her and Matt study"

Elena huffed and walked back into the kitchen with Isabela

"Are you okay?" Maeve asked as she helped Mateo up

"Oh yeah" Mateo nodded "She does that all the time"

"Okay" Maeve chuckled as she held her books to her chest "Should we go to your room? Or do you have a specific place you want to study?"

"Yeah, my rooms good" Mateo nodded, coughing as he felt his ribs heal

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After Mateo and Maeve went up to Mateo's room to study. Isabela and Elena stared at each other, Isabela was giving her famous 'Mom' look while Elena was trying to be intimidating but she was scared of her sister

"We spoke about this" Isabela said, her arms folded over her chest

Elena groaned "I know, but I've never met another witch that's like me. Well except for you, but you're all kinds of witch. I've only got one"

"Elena, having my abilities comes with a lot of problems. Being a natural witch is the rarest and most amazing thing you could ever wish for. Sure you can't cast spells but your gift is amazing. Don't doubt it" Isabela smiled as she pulled dinner out of the oven

Elena and Isabela frowned when she heard knocks at the front door

Isabela cautiously walked to the front door and opened it, only to reveal Allison and Stiles

"Can I help you two?" Isabela asked

"Yeah, actually" Stiles said nervously "Uhm- Derek thinks the Kanima is one of our friends and he wants to kill her"

"I'm sorry?" Isabela asked "Derek wants to kill a 16 year old?"

"Yeah" Stiles confirmed "But the Kanima isn't her, you have to believe us"

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