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"Nargue." One word from the King and she fixed her face. One warning and she backed off.

I could see the irritation etched into her features.

She rounded the table behind the King and moved to sit next to Marcellus. She would not let go of my eyes. She removed her blade and stabbed it into the wood to the left of her plate. Anger issues. I took note of that.

I relaxed slightly now that her big frame was not hovering over me. I didn't break eye contact with her either. I had to use every advantage I could to get out of here. I knew it was fucked up to use the eternal pain of a broken sire bond, but it was really all I had. I needed to save myself, because clearly no one else was going to.

"So," The serpentine woman started, she cocked her head to the left and continued, "Who are you, Davina Lauriar?" She asked, although it seemed more of a challenge than because she was genuinely curious.

Considering I just met her, I was confused as to how she knew my full name. Perhaps King Augustus told her, although I had a sneaking suspicion that she found out on her own...

"Who's asking?" I said with bold caution. I wasn't just about to spill my whole life story to some random people.

She snickered, impressed it seemed. "The name's Nargue. These are my brothers. I am the Princess of WarHaven, although that title is a bit formal for my tastes. I prefer Justice Seeker, Killer of All Things Evil, and Sexy Assassin. Take your pick." She smirked. I could tell she was taunting me, although she did give up some information. I assumed I could do the same.

I nodded in acknowledgment. Everyone's eyes were on me.

I took in a shallow breath, "I am Davina. There isn't much to know. I've got no titles, no fancy nicknames. Just Davina." I squirmed, uncomfortable under the attention.

She laughed, like when an adult laughs at a silly child. I hated it. "Obviously a child." She rolled her green orbs, "What makes you? Where did you come from, your family, how did you end up here?" I saw the King go slightly still, "Don't be smart with me."

I took a deep sigh, she was prying, but there was no harm in sharing. I weighed the risks, it shouldn't stop my plans for escape. Might as well appease her.

"I'm twenty. I come from an orphanage in the village. I never knew my family." She simply stared at me, letting me speak. I snuck a glance at King Augustus and he was zoned out, emotionless. I continued, "As for how I got here, the King —" I was quickly cut off by him. Not in any real way, I simply couldn't speak. The words wouldn't come out. It was like he was stopping me. Commanding me in his head.

I glared at him, hard. Yes I was being bold but I didn't care. He bought me, at an auction of kidnapped girls, changed me without my permission, linked me to him for eternity, ordered me around, and now literally wouldn't allow me to speak.

The rage from earlier returned. I shot up in my chair and stormed from the room. No one came after me. Fuck him. I was completely done. I needed to run.

Tears streamed down my face as I rushed back to the room I was earlier in. I paced for what seemed like hours. I was curing him in my head. What an entitled prick.

I felt so trapped. I ripped the brown dress off as quickly as possible and threw it on the floor. I dug through the wardrobe till I found a single white nightgown and threw it over my head. It reached mid thigh and was loose and stretchy. It was comfortable, although my nipples peaked through the material that was tight on my breasts.

I ripped the curtains closed and crawled into bed. I covered myself with the comforter and tried to sleep.

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