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I kept my eyes on the floor, doing my best to avoid looking at my own vomit. I could feel the King's rage deep within myself, and it was hard not to succumb to it. That was one thing that made no sense, how was one supposed to be connected to another for eternity when they feed off the other's emotions? His anger woke mine, and in return mine magnified his.

"Davina, I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know this area was prohibited in your exploration of the castle. Go back upstairs. Now." I could see and feel that he was doing everything in his power to keep calm. But I couldn't move, maybe it was because I was frozen in my shock and fear or maybe it was because I knew this was wrong.

"Your Highness, this is wrong. Please stop this..." I pleaded. Despite everything Simon had done to me, I didn't believe this was right, maybe prison, but being tortured to death...

"This man hurt you in ways you will never be able to escape. He will die a bloody and brutal death for what he has done, that is certain. I may even indulge myself," The King was letting his rage slip. I felt the memories of his hand on me and of the pain he caused, coming to the surface in my mind. I tried to bury them but it was too late telling by the look on King August's face. I knew he saw them too.

He reached for a long blade that was strapped to his belt, he pulled it out and looked at it, grinning sickly. "No! Please, August, please. Make it stop." I pleaded with him. I couldn't allow this. 

Faster than my eyes could register, the blade flew, sinking into Simon's right side. The King's eyes collided with mine the same moment the blade met its target. 

 Simon's  scream would be imprinted on my mind forever. 

"Your Highness, please..." My voice was a cracked whisper underneath the screams. I couldn't watch this any longer.

"Then leave. If you have no desire to watch this sick creature writhe in pain, then leave. But know that this is only the beginning, and let it be a warning to everyone," his voice raised, clearly he was warning everything in the dungeon, "anyone who intends to cause you harm will die by my hand. And I will take my time. Justice will be served."

"Sister, please, continue." He said to Nargue, she grabbed a club from the wall, spikes were embedded in it, and she started to beat him with it. Tears were streaming down his face as he looked into my eyes.

"No..." I whispered. I had never witnessed anything like this. This just doesn't happen.

I couldn't look away from him, from his petrified expression. It was hard not to think that I looked the same to him as he hurt me. This was all too much.

I had never seen this side of the King, but it was clear that this was where the rumors came from.

I hadn't realized that he was right next to me, his face completely blank. He grabbed me by my hips and we were gone, flying through the air, up the dark stairs and out of the dungeon. I heard one more scream before we were far enough away to hear nothing. 


The guards opened the double doors to the King's master suite and I fought myself out of his grasp, putting distance between us. 

"How could you allow something so heinous? How could you participate?" I was disgusted. Yes, Simon did evil things to me, but even that didn't warrant that level of abuse. This was clearly emotionally driven. 

I could feel the King's anger was very much still present in him. 

"What? Are you serious?" His face had gone completely feral. He stepped closer to me, towering over my smaller frame,  "He fucking raped you. Brutally. Then taunted you about it, and threatened to do it again. And on top of that, he kidnapped you and sold you to the highest bidder!" His voiced roared over me and I was a little stunned. I didn't realize he knew all of that, I mean the detail of the images crossing through my mind probably gave him some idea, but to know that much he must've been digging in my mind.

"You are the highest bidder! Are you serious? You bought me! And you attended an auction for innocent human girls where they were brutally raped and killed! And you had a front row seat! You just added 5 million coin to his account and took me home in chains. You are no better than him." I hissed. "At this point you should be hung and tortured as well." I spat through clenched teeth. Our bodies were incredibly close, and I don't think it was doing anything to help the anger building within both of us.

"Careful." His voice was incredibly low. Dark. I didn't know what I had awoken within him, but his quiet anger was much more terrifying than his explosive anger. He stepped closer to me and I retreated a step, bumping into the wardrobe. 

"I had no choice but to attend that disgusting party. Given my position of power it could've been catastrophic for my people had I not at least shown my face. What you don't know is I arrived ten minutes before you were brought out, and I had no desire to support anything they were doing. The last thing I expected or wanted to do was purchase a woman." His voice was still very quiet. I could feel that he was trying to control his rage. 

"But you did. You bought me and here I am trapped and owned by you." I threw my hands up in frustration, letting them fall to my sides. "The one time I stepped foot outside of this castle, you came and physically brought me back to you. I have no free will. If you claim to be so good, why don't you just let me go?" I asked. I was trying very hard to control my anger because challenging his dominance won't be good for either of us, but I had never been the type to let someone walk all over me. It was just so damn hard when what he felt fed what I felt. And I was pissed.  


Hi! Thank you so so much for taking the time to read my story!! So much love to all of you. Please let me know how I can improve, leave me a comment here and let me know <3

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