𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13 | 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐭.

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I was with Gaiwan, we were up from the town, and a perfect cube was cast over

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I was with Gaiwan, we were up from the town, and a perfect cube was cast over. I was relaxing in the peace, not wanting to hear any more of the stupidity Percival and Donny usually were.

"Oi Lancelot, what's the deal with you and y/n?"

I turn my head around to face her short stacked body. She is the embodiment of Escanor. She had a serious face on, what did she mean by the deal between her and I?

"Nothing, why do you care so suddenly about our business?"

Gaiwan approached me, inspecting my face as she investigated me like I was a criminal, seriously? What's her deal? She kept asking questions about me and y/n. Reluctantly, I gave answers to her. Y/n wouldn't give a shit, She was only just a stranger to me days ago.

"Last question Lancelot, do you have feelings for y/n?"
It felt like my eyes were popped out of my head. What kind of a fucking question is like that. No one besides Tristan would be out of their right mind to ask me of this. This had to be some kind of joke, never in my life would I think of Y/n that way.

"Piss off Gaiwan, no I don't have any feelings for y/n, I barely like her as a friend even"

"Oh really? Why is it she smelt like you when she was hugging us goodbye, why was she so bewitched by your actions she complained about it to us?"

What was this girl on about, Bewitched? And who are we? This was getting on my nerves. I tried to ask what Gaiwan meant by her words but we were about to be ambushed so I stayed on guard. I'll ask her when I have time, or when I give enough fucks about this.

I couldn't think more of this, we were going to be ambushed. It seemed to be a group of unknown beings, I'm guessing being demons. It seemed as if they were being possessed by some other stronger source. I didn't give a shit about it, if me and Gaiwan were able to leave it barely alive, we would survive.

We were too strong for them anyways.


The ambush placed on me Gaiwan was easily dealt with, with the situation seeming to be calmed down in town we took off Perfect Cube and flew in to see the damages. Jade ended up dying. It broke everyone and Chion almost killed the culprit until she killed herself by accident.

Chiron was able to send the culprit flying across the room. Leaving her with marks that were sure to never go away. He was ruthless like an angry dog without a leash. She had bugs flying out of her eyes and mouth, it was purely disgusting.

I didn't know Jade for too long or all that well but he was a good asset, a good friend by the look on everyone's faces.

It came the next morning. The restless sleep had me wondering what I was putting myself into. I couldn't understand why y/n was running through my mind 24/7. That is what I was most concerned about. It's selfish of me but fuck.

On the walk to meet up with Thetis, we all left it to her to bring back Jade to present to his family before giving him a proper burial. Which left us at the entrance of the demon realm presented by a random lady who turned out to be friends with the demons that tried to attack us last night. We left them half dead but should be well later in the week. Her name was Io. She was mysterious, and she reminded me a lot of y/n in a way, that stupid witch has me in a spiral,l. If it weren't for Tristan I wouldn't be feeling like this. Feeling like I need y/n to be with me right now.

I'm greedy for that stupid witch's touch, her scent and the way she cares for me as if I'm a child. Maybe I do have feelings for her, I can't think that shit with that kid has me messed up, it's aiming that If I try to attempt anything with her it'll go messy.

Fuck you y/n, you have me messed up.

We were about to go to enter the demon realm. It took long for the emotions of everyone to break out before they said their goodbyes. It left me to only take notice of the moon, and the demon lurking nearby.


The peak of the moon came out. Lancelot noticed the presence of the unknown being lectured near the group as everyone stood before the gate of the demon world. Lancelot paused his movements. Leaving himself behind as everyone else gathered to venture into the dark realm.

There, at the peak of the moon was a lit shot arrow pointed and at the ready for him to strike a move whenever the noise of the enemy was heard again. There came rustling in the bushes, as he diverted his attention towards the being, came behind him, cold yet recognisable hands. In guard, he attempted to pull the being to the ground, as he saw a demon before him.

The demon with flowing hair reached into the night sky, her appearance similar to a dark queen of the night sky and star marks littering her body as she came to move her hands upwards to the face of Lancelot. The cold touch now warmed his cheeks.

"What are you"

Lancelot stayed stoic, trying his best to keep his composure at the ready for any attack that would send him off with jade.

A demonic voice spoke to him, startling him.

"I'm here to tell you what she's scared to say most"

"Who is she-"

Lancelot was quiet at the sudden kiss planted on his lips. They were warm and gentle to the touch. He pulled off the demon as quickly as possible. A grin appeared on the unknown being's face before lurching away from bottom to top. Leaving y/n, her restless body in his arms as she collapsed into him.

The sudden cold touched her skin and she awoke from her slumber. She came closer to Lancelot in search of some warmth to her body, the moon shining brightly into her eyes before she blurted out the omen she swore to keep to herself.

"Shall love be expressed over a full moon"

A/n; hey guys this is a short chapter but I'm not experienced in first person writing so forgive me, I'm trying to deliver chapters as fast as I can but I've been busy so i do apologize

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A/n; hey guys this is a short chapter but I'm not experienced in first person writing so forgive me, I'm trying to deliver chapters as fast as I can but I've been busy so i do apologize

A/n; hey guys this is a short chapter but I'm not experienced in first person writing so forgive me, I'm trying to deliver chapters as fast as I can but I've been busy so i do apologize

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