Election Night: Part I

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Casey's POV

After coffee, we make our way to where we have the election night block party where I see everyone setting up. "Looks like Jason made good on that promise," I say with a smile.

"He told me he would," Rob tells me. I then see him turn off the ignition as he says to me, "Well, this is it, Case...in a few hours, we'll know if you're the next governor of New Jersey or just a retired educator."

I laugh and say, "Kinda crazy, isn't it?"

He gives me a kiss and says, "I have a feeling by the end of the night, I'm going to be the next First Gentleman of the Garden State." 

"Well, Josh did say I better win."

"Speaking of Josh, I got a text from him while I was waiting for you to get out of Tim Hortons. He said he and Lori are on their way to Riverside along with John and Gisele."

"I'm the only Jersey girl who can get people from PA to show up," I joke.

"From what I heard, the NJ GOP hardly had any party supporters in the end and you had everyone, Case."

"Wait, are you serious?"

"I found out from a friend that everyone was jumping ship when Evan started acting so radical. Even his own party leaders were trying to nail his ass to the wall at one point."

"Holy fuck!"

"But meanwhile the Democratic Party was all about Mighty Casey. I mean, I knew you were going to have Eric since he's your brother, Trey since he's dating Dion, Jesse because he's one of your former students and now our brother-in-law, Andy and Cory since they were your friends..."

"You also forgot Pete and Chasten as well as Adrian..."

"Well, they were givens too but think about it, you had Kamala and Doug, Barack and Michelle, Chelsea Clinton, the Shapiros, the Fettermans, AOC...you even had the family of Jimmy Carter on your side for this. Casey, you're a rockstar and you know it."

"I am, aren't I?"

He then leans over and gives me another kiss before saying, "But you'll always be my queen, Case. I love you and I'm thrilled that you got this far."

I open the door to the Jeep and say, "Well, it's time to see if your queen can add Governor of New Jersey to her list of titles."

We're walking past the CNN set up when I see Anderson Cooper talking to a crew member. "Hold that thought," he says as I walk past only to hear him say to me, "Casey, how are you?"

"Nervous," I tell him. "I wasn't expecting you here though, Anderson."

"Casey, you know I followed this election for months so I told them that Erin and Abby can sit at the anchor desk tonight because I'm heading to south Jersey to cover this." He then pauses for a second and says, "I know MSNBC is going to hound you since you worked with them but..."

"Anderson, you're a dear friend and you have been since I met you. Also, since Shane worked for CNN, I have to make sure you're also taken care of. I know you got my number but also if you need anything else, get a hold of Kai, Stephan, or Larkin and we'll take care of you."

"Of course!"

I'm half way to the Mexican restaurant that a friend runs when I hear someone call out, "CASEY!"

I tun around and there's my old friend from MSNBC, Symone Sanders. "Oh my God! How are you?!"I say as I go to hug her.

"I'm doing okay. They wanted Rachel and me at the anchor desk but we told them, 'Get Richard to do it because we want to go to New Jersey'!"

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