The Morning After

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Casey's POV

We spent the night in Atlantic City after the ball. Mostly because we didn't want to drive back to Princeton so late but it worked out because when we got back to the hotel, we saw Margaritaville was still open and had a late night dinner with Kofi, Zola, and my security team. I also paid the dinner of a woman who was there celebrating that she's now a breast cancer survivor and of course I got a few photos with the wait staff which they posted online with one very nice message.

Margaritaville Restaurant Atlantic City (@margaritavilleatlanticcity)

In New Jersey, even our governor knows it's 5 'o clock somewhere! After the party at Boardwalk Hall, Gov. Casey Pattinson along with the First Gentleman, Lt. Gov. Kofi Jones, and Second Lady Zola Dolo-Jones made their way up to Margaritaville for some laughs and a cheeseburger in paradise. We found out that Gov. Pattinson is a bit of a Parrothead as her father used to take her to Jimmy Buffet concerts as a kid and she's been to several Margaritaville locations all over the world. Also, our staff that night told us the governor is a pretty generous tipper and even paid the bill of a woman three tables over who was in AC after finding out she beat breast cancer.  I think it's safe to say that we found out favorite governor...Casey!

I also found out that it made some headlines through TMZ.


NJ Governor Casey Pattinson's Post Inauguration Cheeseburger In Paradise 

New Jersey Governor Casey Pattinson knows it's five o'clock somewhere. 

After the party in Atlantic City to celebrate her inauguration, Mighty Casey along with First Gentleman Robert Pattinson, Lt. Governor Kofi Jones, and Second Lady Zola Dolo-Jones made their way up to Resorts and had a late night dinner at Margaritaville where they not only had a couple of Land Sharks but also the governor--who is known for mostly eating a flexitarian diet--was seen having a cheeseburger in paradise.

The staff at the iconic chain location told TMZ that Governor Pattinson was not only very kind to them and other patrons but when she heard one woman a table over was declared cancer free after a four year battle with breast cancer, Mighty Casey handed a server her credit card saying, "Her dinner is on me." 

The governor and her entourage also took photos with the party in question along with employees and one bartender told TMZ, "She's really such a down to earth person." 

Governor Pattinson once revealed that despite her love of alternative rock, she is a huge Parrothead having gone to Jimmy Buffet concerts with her father growing up. She and First Gentleman Robert Pattinson have also been regulars at the Atlantic City location for years and last fall were seen at the location in Orlando when their eldest daughter Katherine was crowned Miss America. 

It seems for Mighty Casey, she really does live life like a song. 

Casey's POV

The next morning, I wake up and I see a certain someone is still asleep so I use the opportunity to try and slip out of bed only to have a strong arm pull me back. I try again and it doesn't work.

I look over and I see that he was faking being asleep this whole time. "You tease," I laugh.

"This has to be a dream," he jokes.

"What has to be?"

"I'm waking up next to the governor of New Jersey."

I can't help but laugh. "Well, if this were a dream, would you feel this," I tease as I go to nip at his jawline a little.

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