Election Night: Part II

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Richard Lui: We have breaking election news into MSNBC and this time it's from New Jersey. In the 16th district, Democrats have won big with former Princeton mayor Caylen Brooks winning in a special election for State Senator after the resignation of Eric Kelly who announced he was going to run for Casey Pattinson's seat in the General Assembly. 

Tonight Dr. Kelly who is also the brother of Casey Pattinson has been declared the winner as has NJ Attorney General Trey France will become the NJ 16th District's black, openly gay Assemblyman and in the 15th the Rev. Dr. Adrian Wright who  was Casey Pattinson's predecessor as president of Rider University will take over for Kofi Jones who as we know is running as the Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor. 

In New York City, former councilman Bryson Curtis has been elected mayor and across the Hudson in Jersey City businessman Hakeem Mahamadou has won the mayoral race becoming the city's first Islamic mayor.

Cut to video in Virginia

Richard (VO): We are also seeing in Virginia its first female governor as Democrat Janice Caddel has won against Republican Amos Boaz. The State Representative from Virginia Beach is now speaking to her supporters and she is also like many watching the New Jersey election with batted breath.

Janice: Thank you, Virginia! It's an honor to be your next governor. I would like to say that Senator Boaz called me a short time ago and said, "I'm humbled by your dedication and I know that Virginia is going to have one amazing woman at the helm come January."

He and I also joked because he knows like many in the country, I am closely watching what is going on in New Jersey after the arrest of Evan Kaufman who was running for governor. My love and prayers are with the family of his wife Carol and her two daughters at this time. I should also point out that the woman that Evan was running against is one of my good friends, Casey Pattinson who I knew from my days doing pageants as she was my successor as Miss America.

Who would have thought that feisty girl from Delanco who wowed the judges with a rendition of "Per Te" and talked about the importance of empowering girls would get to this stage. I followed Casey's career as a politician as well as a businesswoman and filmmaker and I only hope that later tonight I can turn on the news and hear that Mighty Casey has hit a home run and is the next governor of New Jersey.

Crowd cheers

Split screen w/Richard

Richard: We are still looking at Janice Caddel's speech in which she is thanking not only voters in Virginia and her supporters but also mentioned the events that happened in New Jersey. As she mentioned, she is a former Miss America and through the organization, she met NJ Gubernatorial nominee Casey Pattinson saying, "Who would have thought that feisty girl from Delanco who wowed the judges with a rendition of "Per Te" and talked about the importance of empowering girls would get to this stage." Caddel went on to say, "I only hope that later tonight I can turn on the news and hear that Mighty Casey has hit a home run and is the next governor of New Jersey."

Cut to full screen

And it seems we are now getting more election results as Sandy Cartwright has been elected to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and in a special election in the Keystone State, Democrat Lindsay Winslow has won the vacated seat in House District 145 after the death of Republican Jason Kirkpatrick.

We are now getting breaking news into MSNBC and this time, we go to the back to New Jersey for the one everyone's been watching, the race for governor. 

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