Victory, Thy Name Is Casey: Part I

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Richard Lui (over video of the party in Riverside): We're continuing our election coverage and right now you are looking at the scene in Riverside, New Jersey where New Jersey assemblywoman Casey Pattinson and her supporters are celebrating in a massive victory over Republican Mark Asher who was tapped to replace original GOP nominee Evan Kaufman after his arrest today in Princeton for assaulting his own daughter. Kaufman was then charged with first degree murder in Burlington County after a neighbor found the body of Kaufman's wife who was stabbed at the family home in Pemberton.

Kaufman is sitting in a county jail in Trenton tonight awaiting extradition to Mt. Holly and in a statement, Mark Asher said, "My heart is broken for Adina and Hannah Kaufman over the loss of their mom. I also talked to Casey Pattinson tonight and warmly congratulated her. I knew of Casey's legacy as my adviser during my undergraduate years at Stockton was one of her friends from growing up in Delanco. I know that Casey is going to be the best of the best and I am proudly cheering her on as she is preparing to become governor of New Jersey."

Cut to video of a watch party at Rider University as students watch the announcement.

News broadcaster: NBC News is now projecting that former educator and NJ Assemblywoman Casey Pattinson the winner in New Jersey's race for governor.

Crowd starts cheering

Richard (VO): In Lawrenceville tonight, students and faculty at Rider University are celebrating as Casey Pattinson is declared the winner. Casey Pattinson is a three time graduate and was a long time professor at Rider who served as president for six years. Rider University is also celebrating other wins tonight as graduates Eric Kelly and Trey France win spots in the 16th District and Casey Pattinson's predecessor as president, Adrian Wright is elected Assemblyman for the 15th District, succeeding Lt. Governor-Elect Kofi Jones. 

Cut to an election watch party in London

BBC News Presenter: The BBC has just learned that former news presenter turned New Jersey Assemblywoman Casey Pattinson has been declared the winner in the state's race for governor.

Crowd starts cheering

Richard (VO): And the victory celebration has also reached across the pond to Robert Pattinson's hometown of London where crowds filled the pubs and streets to watch the election night coverage. Casey Pattinson was a commentator for the BBC for three years before moving back to the US where she continued on with MSNBC. She also brought Rider University to the national stage with an international campus in London and we're hearing from Rider University London provost Naomi Baptiste that the university will be celebrating in January with a huge party that they are inviting the city to join in on. Dr. Baptiste said, "Londoners always made us feel welcome and I know they are all excited since New Jersey's incoming First Gentleman is from there so we want them to join Bronc Nation in our victory."

Cut to studio

Richard: This victory is also being celebrated in Casey Pattinson's adopted hometown of Princeton, NJ where she served as mayor before becoming a member of the NJ General Assembly along with a victory for her younger brother Dr. Eric Kelly. The one-time Princeton mayor resigned from his Senate seat last year to run for his sister's soon-to-be vacated seat in the General Assembly and for this story, we are going to turn to Jacquline London from our station in Philadelphia, WCAU who is in Princeton with the celebration. Jacquline, I hear the 16th District is really going to have a shake-up.

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