
724 27 29

August 27th
Location: LSU

Today was our first official practice back and boy let me tell you, that shit was rough.

A rough 4 hour practice.

This year we got a lot of new pieces to the team.

We got Hailey, Aneesah, MK, Janae, Aaliyah and Gelo. The only two that aren't freshman are Hailey and Aneesah.

The freshman were used to summer practice but those are light compared to what we do in season.

"Aye Gelo you good?" I asked cause she laid out on the floor in the middle of the locker room like she out of breath


I just busted out laughing cause it was rough but it wasn't that bad to be acting like that.

It was just a typical practice of a team that's out of sync, haven't found they rhythm yet.

We were all in the locker room chilling, everybody was on they phone when Angel gathered everyones attention.

"Hey everybody, y'all want to do a movie night tonight?" Angel asked.

"I'm down but let me pick the movie" I spoke

"No I wanna pick it, your suggestions suck" Nees chimed in.

"No they don't you tripping"

"You always finding the raunchiest comedy there is and be the only one laughing, NO!"

I wouldn't have guessed that me and Nees would be as close as we are. We literally hang out all the time.

I lowkey replaced Angel with her cause she been under that boy that she don't even like fr so I been cool off her. I really want her to get her shit together with Flau'jae but ever since Mexico she been distant with Angel too.

Angel didn't even tell me what happened, Flau'jae ended up telling me cause she called asking about Angel and I didn't have a clue why.

I think Angel may know I told Flau'jae but I don't care, she was on bullshit and I wasn't about to let her keep leading Flau'jae on.

I got love for both of them and Angel know she was dead wrong.

I do find it funny how they both doing they own thing but they call me asking about each other, when both they phones work.

I haven't really seen them together outside of basketball so i'm interested to see how this night finna go.

"We can all decide on a movie later. So that mean y'all coming right?" Angel spoke

Everybody basically said yea except for Flau'jae and I know Angel noticed cause she been watching her this whole time.

Is she plotting some?

She can't be she got Cam.

Flau'jae just sat there quietly, while everybody else started talking about what movie they wanted to watch.

I must've been looking to hard cause Nees waved her hands in front of my face



"What you do zone out or some?"

"Little bit anyways I didn't appreciate you clowning my movie suggestions"

"I wasn't wrong though. Don't change the subject."

"You got that look on your face like you being nosy, what is itttt" Nees asked

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